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Annotations on Chap. t r i things: All is Of him, By him, and To him, Glory, his Glory (hall forever faine forth in all and he of None: He is All in All things: whirls Angels and Saints fhafl intelligently fee, And as he made and doth all things for his and prailè for ever, Amen. ANNOTATIONS. ( HE great Doubt about this Chapter is, what it prophefies of the full Converfión of the lens: + Concerning which, I !hall only fpeak fo much as is certain, and leave the reft to the Judg- meut of others. 1. It is certain, that God never meant to reftore theJewifh Polity under Mofcs's Law ; for that Law is abrogated by Chrift, and fo that Polity. It's Jewilh Contradictionof Chriftianity to ex- peót fuck a Rcftoration. 2. Much lets will God ever confine the Church and Covenant of Peculiarity to the Jewifh Nation, and take it from the Gentiles, and ceafe Catholicifre. 3. Nor will God reflore and confine thçfervs to their ancient Country in Paleffise; which being filch a Country as Wales, now barren, and about halfas big as England. would be far frommaking them a People of eminent Glory in the World, but rather contemptiblein that refpeít. 4. Nor bathGod promifed to make the Yews Lords andRulers over the reft of the Nationsof the Earth, as the Carnal fort of therm did expert. s. Thereforeno other Callingof the Yews can be expe&ed, but that they becomeParts of the Cattolick Chards. 6. It feems to Me by Hiflory, that this is performed long ago, the main Body oftheir Nation being turned to Chriftianity. To which purpofe, confider theft things, a. Myriads were converted in Ysdea by the Apoftles. 2. In all otter Countries of the Roman Empire, the fcattered fetus had Synagogues; to which the Apoftles fish Preached, and where. they firft gathered the Rudiments of the Chtiftian Churches. 3 . A vaft Number of the unbelieving years were deftroyed by Vfvafian and Tiros, when fertt- f:lern was befieged and deftroyed. 4. Many more Yews were then converted, when they Yaw God's Judgments executed on them, and the Christians feared. And many turned Christians then. S. Vats Numbers of the remainder of the Unbelievers were deftroyed bÿ . Adrian, and the Christians fi>arcd. 6. Since then many have been converted by Solemn Difputes, and manyYews become emi- nent Dovtors in -the Church. 7. They were ever fond of their ownCountry, and therefore we may fuppofe, that as many as could, lived there. And 'tis known that all Conquerours ufe to tranfplaut only the Rich and Ruling Men, and leave the Multitude of the poor Labourers to manure the Ground, that it may yield themTribute. So didMbssehadnenLar: AndCo inEngland did the Rsraans, Saxons, Danes, and Nrmans: They left the Vulgar to pofte6 the Land unadee them, or elfe the Laud would have been unprofitable to them. It was the Rich and the Soldiers that they drove into Wales fo that we are moftly ofa Britifa Off- fpriug. Now it is known, that in the Days of Ccnfsantsae, and the following Chtiftian Emperours, (though no Country wholly turned Chriftian of a long time) iodes turned as other Provinces did; and had their Billsops, and their Patriarchas Coun- cils: and proportionably rather more than in other Countries, were Chriftians there. So that fudeawas Chriflian, as other Provinces were. CHAP. XII. 1.1r Befeechyou therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye prefent your bodies a living facrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reafonable fervice. .a. Now to make Application of all thisTJo- lcine fore-written, I befáech you, as you have a due fenfe of Clara's offering himfelf a Sa- crifice for our Sins, and of the great Mercy of the Gentiles Salvation by Grace, and of our deliverance from the Burrhens ofJewifh Law, thofe coftly Sacrifices df Beals being abroga- ted by Chrift; that you will refign and de- dicate your (elves to God, and as a living holy Sacrifice, give up your own Bodies wholly ro him, even to the Obedienceof his Commands, and to falter what he calls you to, even to death; which will be better than a Sacrifice of Beath'