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Ch. I2. Love ,andother Romans. Duties required. Ch. 12. Bealls, even a realònable, holy; acceptable Set- vice of God. 2. And be not conformed to this world : but be ye transformed by the renewing ofOur mind, that you may prove what is that good, and accep- table and perfefr will of God. z. And now you arecalled out ofthe World, and made a- Peculiar People to God, conform not your Lives to the finful Practices of the World ; but be ttansform'd from your former Priors and Sins, by the renewing of your Minds by Truth and Holinefs ; that you may know by experience, the Goodnefs of God's Ways, ro which you are called, and the Great,. nets of his Love. 3. For I fay, through thegracegi- ven unto me, to every mari that is a- mong you, not to think of hirsfelf more highly than heought to think ; but to-tlrinkfoberly according as God hath dealt to every man themeafure. of faith. 3. And fpecially becaue that the proud over- valuing of Mens own Underftandings, and thinking that theyknow more than they do, is the common Caufe of Errours and Sins, of Cenlùres, Divilions, and Herefies in the Church- es, I do, as an Apoftle fent and taughtof God, admonilit and charge you all, every one to think -lmmbly ofhimfelf,and not to think your felves wirer or better than you are ; but with wife felf- íufpicion, and corfcioufhefs of your Ignorance and great ImperfeLion, to think fo- berly of your Livers, according to truth, and to the degree ;of Faith and Wililom given you of God. 4. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the fame office : 5. So webeing -many are one body in Chrift, ande- very one members one of another. 4, 5. For as the Members of the fame Body have great diverfity in Number and Office; fò we, though many individual Perlons, make up one Body or Church in Chrift the Head, in whom we are united, and are related to each other as Members of the fameBody. 6. Having then gifts, differing ac- cording to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophetic according to the proportionof faith : 7. Or miniftry, let us wait, on our miniftring; or he that teacheth, on teaching; 0, 7. Seeing it pleafeth God to give various degrees of Gifts, according to the difpenfation of his Free Grace, arid not to make all equal in Gifts or Office, let all confine themfilves to their Meafnre and Olñce, and that let them faithfully execute, Let thofe that are infpired to fpeakas from God, by Prediftion or Inftru- Lion, fpeak what God bath revealed to them according to the proportion of their Revelation and Knowledge, and no more; and not pre- tend Special Revelation agaiuft the foaled Word ofFaith. Let thofe that are called to any Spe- cial Service for the Church, perform their own Office faithfully therein: And let thofe that are called ro teach, be faithful Teachers. NegleL not your ownpart, and invade not others. 8. Or he that exhorteth, on er- hortation : he that giveth, let him do it with fimpiicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that fheweth mer- cy, with chearfulnefs. 5. He that is to exhort Men to praftile what is taught, let him do it diligently, (for Metas corrupt Wills and Aftifious have neëd of ex- citation and Perfüafton, as well as their Un- dçrfiandings ofInformation.) He that giveth, (his own, or the Churches) let him do it fin- cerely and impartially. He that is intrufted to govern Church or Family, let himdo it care- fully, and diligently. He that flteweth Mercy to any in diftrefs, let him do it chearfully. 9. Let love be without diffimulati- on. Abhor that whichis evil, cleave to that which is good. 9. Let Chtiftian-Love, which is the Great Duty of the Gofpd, be hearty and fiocere, ap- pearing in its Fruits, and not its barren Words alone. Be not indifferent and cold towardsE- vi! orGood but avoid Evil with abhorrence, and refolutely Rick to tint which is good. io. Be kindly affetlionate one to another; with brotherly love, in ho- nour preferring one another; to. Love each ocher as Brethren, and live in the kind affectionate expreffmn of it, (and not as fellìil-,uncharitable, peevifh, quarrelfom, cen- forious, or perfècuting Men): Be forwarder to prefer others in efteem, praife, cr praftice, (ac- cording to their Worth and Rank) than to let up your felves, or leek efeem, applau(è, or preferment. Strive not to be thought wifeft or belt, or to be h'tgheft; nor envy others. it. Not flothful in bolinefs: fer- vent in fpirit ; ferving the Lord. if. Donot your Duties flothfully, unwilling- ly, and heavily ; but diligently : and ferve God inall the Duties ofyour Places and Times, with a fervent, zealous Mind. Aa3 12. Re.