Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

C$. iz. Several Ditties Ron i2. Rej.mycing in hope; patient in tribulation ; continuing infant in prayer. 12. In all your prefent Tribulation, rejoyce in hope of promifed Deliverance and Felicity hereafter; and patiently endure it, And con- ti;tue instantly to pray. 13. Diftributing to the neceffity, of faints; given to hofpitality. 13. Freely di(tributing to the neceffity, et: pecially ofHoly herfons; and not living in iuperfiurty, and faulting up your 'Compafiì.an from thofe that are in want: Delight to give rite Needy Entertainment in your Houfes, and ièek them to that 'end. 04. Biefs them which per(ticute you ; bless, and curie not. 14. And though the Sin of Perfecution be heinous, it is God that is the Avenger ofit: Avenge not your rives in word or deed : Pray for there} and curie them not. 15 Rejoyce with them thatdo re- joyce, and weep with themthat weep. r s Be not like thole felfith Perron, that ate little afte&ed'with the Cafe ofany but 't:em- 'felves: Not like the Dividers, thataffefk togo croft toothers by proud Singularity : But re- Joyce with Kejoycers, and weep with Weep - Ors, as king of the fame Body, and as regard- ing their Cafè as if it were your own. 16. Be of the fame mind one to- wards another. Mindnot high things, Luc condefcend to nmeil of low eítate. rd. Affe& not to be odd and fingularfrom other Chriftians; but to be of one Mind and Awaywith them, (fo it benot in Sin) and mind their Cafeas if it were your own: Mind not Preferment, nor Riches andVain-glory, nor put your felves for thcfe into the Company and Favour of thofe above you: But be cbnteat with slowCondition in the World, and go a- long in Society with the lower fort. 16. Be not wife in your own 'Con- ceits. 16. Have humble thoughts of your own Knowledge, and think it nor greater than it is; but be confeious of your Ignorance, and 'Uncertainties, and Weakoee, and rather as Doubters Cay and learn, than too haftily Judge and conclude. 17. Recompenfe to no man evil for evil. 17. If others do ill to you, do not you do ill to them, nor require them with Rer.wrwr.e, sans. required. Ck i z. 17. Provide things honeft in the fight ofall men. I7. Be diligent in your outward Labours, that you may avoid bafe Dependance as much as may be, and may provide for a tlecentLi- ving for yofir felves, and help tO others. t8. Ifit be poffible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men, 18. Though it is not in your power to make the Malignant, Pcrfecutors, Contentious, and Proud, to be peaceable towards you, nor mull: you purcftafe Peace, by finning againft God ; yet fee that you be peaceable towards all Men; to the utmoft of your Power; that the Di fiancemay nut be your fault, but theirs, who make Peace impoßible. 09. Dearly beloved, avenge not your felvesbut rather give place unto wrath; for it is written, vengeance is mine; I will repay, faith theLord. 19. Faffion is fo unruly, and fo b'.indeth the Judgment of felfirh Men, that'I again befeech you, to avoidSelf-righting by Revenge; but when Men are wrahful, and wrong you, give place, by departing, fubmiffion, or patience; and leave God's Work of Revenge to him(elf, which he will execute foon enough ; and fe- verely enough, partly by himfelf, and partly by his Officers entrufted with the Sword. 20. Therefore ifthine enemy hun- ger, feed him ; if he third, give hilt} drink: for in fa doing thou that heap coals of fire on his head. so. M ChriC bath won us by Love, fo bath he taught its towin our Enemies. Love is our Natureand Dutÿ, and that towhich we would win all : And thereforeLove is the Means or Weapon by which wemu(t overcome them ; a ad particularly, by fuch Bodily Kindnefs which they can value : Therefore if they hunger, feed them ; fupply their Want: let not their Enmity' Copyour Kindnefs. By this means,' as Fire melts Metals, 'the harder} ideart may he melted: For Lovë kindleth Love, which Strangenefs and Revenge detlroyeth. At leaf}, this will aggravate his Sin, and Came 'him; and juftifie you aganfi hik Calumnies. 21. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. at. Satan: by your Enemies tempteth you to fin t' They overcome you, if you yield, by Paillon or Revenge, or any Sin; but not; it they dobut hartyour Therefore keep your Charity and Innocency, and you are the Conquerors : And by your Love and Good Wgrku cverco:ne their bvii, as is- woul.l time