Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. I3: Duties Romans. to Mao-iftrates. Ch. t;. you to fin, and as it is the Malady of their do that which is good, and it will further thy Souls, which you would overcome for them, Encouragement and Pralle. Even Heathens, that they may be laved. by feeing to the Execution of the Lawof Na- ture, will promote Natural Virtue, and fup.. prell and punifh Vice. CHAP. XIII. i, y Et every foul be fubjea unto the higher owers. For there is no power but of God; the pow- ers that be, are ordained of God. a. And one of the Duties that are necefPary to your Peace, and required ofGod, is your due Subjection to Governours: Take heed therefore of their Opinion who think, that Chrift hash fee us free from Humane Govern- ment: For God is the God of Order : And as in Natural Effegs he ufeth Naturd Means, fo in Politick Government, he ufeth Officers. I (peak not of sneer Strength, but ofAuthori- ty, or Right to Govern : And as fubordinate Magiftrates have no fnch Power, but what is given them by the Supreme; fo it is impof- fible that Supreme Rulers on Earth can have true Authority ; but what is given them by God, the Univerfal Soveraign; even as im- poffible, as for any Creature to be what it is, without a Creator: For of him, and through him, and to him are all things. Even where you mull not obey a finful Command, yet you snufk be fubje5t frill. None are exempted from this Duty; for Government is the Or- dinance ofGod. 2. Whofoever therefore refifteth the power, refifteth the ordinance of God; and they that refill, (hall re- ceive to themfelces damnation. a: Whoever therefore will not be fubje& to Humane Government, but refifteth' true Au- thority. reffteth a needful Ordinance ofGod, anddeferveth PunifhmentfromGod and Man. 3. For rulers are not a test our to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the pow- er á do that which is good, and thou (halt have praife of the fame ; 3. For as God is the Ordainer of Govern- ment in general, fo he bath fpecifed their Of- fice, as to the univerfaily neceffary part, and bound them as his Officers to fee to the Execu- tion of his Univerfal Laws, as the King binds Juftices to execute his Laws: And therefore their Offix and Authority received fromGod, is not to be Perfecutoas, or a Terror to good Works, but to punifh the Evil : For God gi- veth no Authority againft himfelf, or his Laws. jfiiterefóre thou fear this Power given of God, 4. For he is the minifler of God to thee for good. But ifthou do that which is evil, be afraid ; for he bear- eat not the fword in vain : for he is the minifter of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 4. And let not bad Mens abufe of Govern: mentmake thee think evil of she Office: For they arebut God'sServants or Officers, not au- thorifed to deftroy and to do mifchef, but to do good, even to fee to theExecution ofGod's Laws by their own, and to take care of the Common Welfare. But- if thou do evil, fear them ; for God bath not entrufted them with the Sword in vain, (much lets for mifchief)' For they are God's Officers, , Revengers ofSin, to execute God's Wrath and Marrs on Sinners: And fo to refrft them, is to refill the Officers of God; and tohonour and obey them, is to ho, oour andobey God thatbath authorized them. 5. Wherefore ye muff needs be fubje£t, not only for wrath, but alto for confcience fake. s. Wherefore you ought to befubjed (even when you may not obey) not only for fearof Punifhment from Man, but in Confcience of your Duty, to God who ordaineth them. 6. For, for this caufe pay you tri- bute alto: for they are God's mini - fters, attending continually upon this very thing. 6. Therefore honourable Maintenance and Tribute is their due: For they are God's Ser, vanes, whole very Office and daily Care and Labour is to do his Service for the common Good. 7. Render therefore to all their dues : tribute to whom tribute is due, cuflom to whom cuflom, fear to whom fear, honourto whom honour. 7. r am not perfwading you to own Thin- patina, or to give Men that which is not their due; noryet do I determine among leveral Claimers, which is theSupreme: But that you give all their proper due; Tribute, Cs:fom, Fear and Honour, to every one to whom they. are due. And let not wvetouGiefs or Difobex thence hiuder you. A 4 4 fi: Qsye