Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. i 3, Love thefullllir o Romans, ofthe Law. Ch. 13: 8. Owe no man any thing, but to though in the State of Infidelity we lived ítt love one another for he that loveth fudt Sins: For by this time we ifióuld be another, bath fulfilled the law, better acquainted with our Duties, and awak- ed to all coufcionable performance of them, we being nearer our Reward and Salvation than when we were fiat converted' to the Faith; and God expe&eth' now more froz us. 12. The night is far f;ent, the day is at hand: let us therefore tuft off the works of darknefs, and let us put on the armour of light. 12. We are now got Cotiser from our for; met State of Darknels : We ate now come to the Day-light of Illuminating Grace, and ur.= der the Increafe thereof. The Church is growing to a more Honourable State by its lncreaíe. Let us therefore more refolvedly call off all the Works of Heatheuifh Dark- nefs, and as Chriß's Soldiers, put on our Sa- cred Armour, and ufe it as in the Daylight of Grace. 8. DTfchargé your Debts; and give all Men the due which you owe them, (are you are unjulkand rob them): Only Love we (hall fill Owe to one another, and shall that owe it even while we pay it. And to pay this Debt of fincere Love; is to fulfill all the Law toMan. g: for this, Thou (halt not com- Mit adultery, Thou (halt not kill, Thou fhalt not Steal, Thou (halt not bear falle witnefs, Thou fhalt riot covet ; and if there be any o- ther Commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this laying, name- ly, Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thy fel£ 9. For all our Duty to Men is virtually Comprehended in Losing them as our Selves : For a Man will not wrong the Life, the E- ßáte, the Marriage right, the Honour of him- felf, nor falfely accule or profecute himfelf, or covet from himfelf, or thofe that he loveth as hirtf. if. Bring Men once to this unfeigned Love ; and Hurtfulnefs, Covetouftlefs, Fraud, Falle Accufation,Perfecution, and all Injuliice, 13. Seeing we are in the Light, let. us will ceaft. walk modeltly and decently, as becometh our, Condition ; not as the Heathens, in rioting and drunkennefs; not in laûivioufnefs, and uncleannefs, and flethly tufts; nor in proud, felfifh, or covetous ftrife and envy. 13. Let us walk honeftly as in the day ; not in rioting and drunken- nefs, not in thambering and wan- tonnefs, not in Chile and envying. to. Love worketh no ill to his Eeighbour; therefore love is the fill- filling- of the law. so. As we are not apt to hurt our (elves, fo true Love would not hurt others, in their Lives, Liberties, Elhates, or Good Names, (much left fludy to deßroy them.) There- fore Love is the virtual fulfilling of all our Duty to them: 'II. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of (leep : for now is our fal- vátion nearer than when we believ. ed. I I. And we Should increafe in this careful tihitharge of our Duty of Love and Juftice, 14. But put ye on the Lord Je- fus Chrift, and make not provi(ion for the flefh, to fulfil the lulls there- of. 14. But Iet Chrift, his Spirit and Love his Do&rire and Example; his Ititereß and Kingdom, take you up, and be to yod as the Cioathing which you daily wear: And do not as Carnal Men, (whole flefhly Pleafure and Profperity is their choice and heft) that live to the Said flethly Pleafüre, and make provifion to fatisfie the Carnal Will and tiff, inftead of preferring théHeavenly Trea- fitre. ANN4TAa