Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

4nnocations on Chap. 13á ANNOTATIONS. Qi, r. wry is meant here by Powers ? .Anfv. Not meer Strength, but Authority or Right hi V Govern. It is not dliyac,cuç, but ZrZu?íat, : An Ufiurpers Strength niay be resift- ed ; but Rightist( Potter or Authority may not. Qu.II. DothSt. Paul detrrraine here either of the Species, or Individually, who it is that Oath the Higheftpower,? .Anfv. Not at all. In thoft Ages, and long after, fometime theSenate claimed the Supremacy wholly, and fometime a part of it ; fometime they pretended to make Empereurs, andhome Emperours yielded themmore than others But whether the Senateor the Emperour Were the Higheft Power, or the Supremacy in both conjunct, or which de fyecie was moft juft, Paul medleth not. Q,. Hoaro ¡ben would he have the n14171a11s í(nowwhom to obey ? lnfw. He leaveth that to be known by its proper Evidence, and not by Divine Revelation by him. Qu. III. r, no Power to do wrong ordained IfGod ? Or is all frtch ordainedby him ? Lnfir. Power here being Right to Govern, no Man bath Right to do Wrong, that's a Goneradidion : But God hath ordained that Right whichmay be abufed to do 'Wrong, and yet not relifted. Qi. 1V. Yyhat'sMeant bySubje&ion? ttfie. A State of Content and Obligation to obey. O- bedience is the Prat &ice of Subje &ion. Qt. V. Rath ha Ijnivetfal [every Seidl no Exception? .Anfir.. The Higher Powers themfelves; are excepted ; And neither Foreigners, nor thole that have noGovernors, are bound to befith- jetf to other Princes : Ir is only their own SubjeAs that are meant. And the Pope could have no pretence to except his Clergy, if hedid not feign himfelf to be the Higheft Power over them and above the Kings andStates. Qu. VI. Is Obedience to pas far as Svbjcéfion ? .Anfir. No : We muff not obey any by dif- obeying God : But yet we muff continue Subje&ion and due Honour to them, and not deny them their due, becaufe we malt not give them moreby Sin. Qt. What thenare the limits ofser Obedience to Mrs ? .Arf>r. 1 Matcrially,we muff' not obey any by Sin, nor yet agaiuft the Common Good, to do more hurt than good, when they command without the due Power or Right. 2. As to formal Obedience, (which is to add by the Obligati- on of their Authority) the Limits of their Power are the Limits of that Obligation and Obe- dience. Q. War are the Limits of their Puer ? ánfr. In general, they have no more from God than he giveth them. r. They have no Power againftany of his Laws, of Nature or Scripture, nor agaiuft his Kingdom, or himfelf. z. They have no Right or Power to overthrow Perfonal, or Family, or Church.Government; not to deprive any of any thing which God hath given them, without forfeiture or Content, explicit or implicit ; nor to deftroy theCommon Good. 2. Therefore that Propriety which God hath given Man as Man, (in Life, and Limbs, and the ufe of his Faculties for his Welfare and his Duty to God, and his Wife and Children) are filch ob- jeLiive. Limitationsof this Power, that no Man bath Right to take them from any, but on For- feiture, or valid Content. Q. VII. How far is all Power of G:.d, and how far of Men? .Arfv. I. It is of God's Ordi- nation in Nature, That there be Goveul:r:entand Subjet}ion in general. n. And the Specificati- on is fo far of God, that he bathmade then his Officers : I, To promote Obedience to his own 'Law: z. For his Glory, and the CommonGood. So that no People can snake a Power that Shall not have Right to promote God's Law; z. Or that Shall deftroy theCommon Good. 3. Gods Providence dots fo manage the Affairso the World, as Shall point out the Man or Families that the People should accept of firth whilefree, as qualified by Strength, Wifdom, and Goodnef, for Authority. q: Monarchy sedAriftocracy in fyecie are both of Divine Allowance. 2. But it is of Men, r. Which of thefe forts (Monarchy, or Ariftocracy, or Mixt) Shall by a Free People be chofen. 2. And who (by filch a Free People) Shall be chofen for the Peerfins or Families. 3. And what degreeof Power they Shall have over their Proprieties, (which are ante- cedent to Regiment) in undetermined Cafes. So that Government is partly from God, and partly from Man. Q. VIII. By what Right dab cue Perfn, or Family claim it betre all ethers? .Acfsn. The fore- going Words decide this. 1. Not by meer Worth, Wit, or Virtue : For chef& may tse without filch Authority. 2. Not by meer Strength or Conqueft : Forthen every Rebel, orForeign Prince, that can conquerKings, will have theRight; which would tempt them to attempt facia Conqueft. 3. Not every Conqueff made juft by fouie Injury; For that giveth Right but to keprifal or Da- mages, and over the Injurers: Andall Warsufitally are on Pretence of Right. Not a Succefrion of Primogeniture fromNaah, nor from the hat founding of the Gomnaonwealth : This is not ueceiIary: