Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. t 4. Days andMeats Romans. indifferent. Ch. x4,,' ther man's fervant ? To his own ma- live therefore or die, we are the Ater he ftandeth or falleth : Yea, he Lord's. !hall be holden up, for God is able to s. For our lives are of God, and muft be for make himRand. him to do his Will, and when we die, hiswill others ? who art thou, a 4. Dolt thou know thy Pelf while thou fo therein is done, in which we mutt contentedly, judgeft finful man, acquiefce Eor living and dying weare his. that thou prefumef to judge and condemn 9. For to this endChrift both died, God;'s servants ? it ishisSentence and not thine and rote, and revived, that he might to which they Iliad ßànd or fall, as juttified or b.e Lord both of the dead and living, condemned : and thefe differences !hall not hinder God's acceptance of hi n and his Salva- 9. For this being the very cod of Chril}s tion; for God that is jail end merciful can ju. dying, riling and reviving, that he might be Rine, confirm, and fave him. Lord of allboth dead and living, who Shall pre- One man efteemeth one day fume to take thegoverning of judgingpower 5 out of his Hands, and take Mens Souls and above another : another efteemeth Coufciences from fubjeaionto him,and expect every day alike : Let every man be to be Obeyed or pleated before him ?. fully perfwaded in his own mind. io. But why daft thou judge thy s. So one Man makes Conijence to keep brother ? Or, why dolt thou fet at the Jewish Feafts and Faits : Anotherknoweth nought thy brother.? For we 'hall all that Chrift hath abrogated them. Let every l}and before the judgment feat of nu a labour as well as he can to know God's thrift. Will, and then be true to his upright Conici- dace ; as knowing that he may not in there to. Why then Both one Party call their things follow the judgment of others against Brethren limners, or prophane, for not being Isisown, which he thinks is according to the againft filch lawful things as they call unlawful? mind of God, whom he intendeth herein to And why do the other part vdthe their lre- they. thren forConfcionable fcrupling and avoiding (nch a lawful thing ? Do you nor all know our 6. He that regardeth the day, re- common imperfection of Knowledge, and that ,ardeth n unto the Lord, and he that we have no authority for Poch Judgment or regardeth not theday, to theLord he Contempt ? And are you not afraid thus to doth not regard it ; He that eáteth, and the Judgment winch c b loogsoto chrift. eateth to the Lord, for hegivethGod ritàlilenefs tohis Scrvaug ?y y uncha- thanks, and he that eateth not, to the r t. For it is written, 11s I live, thankhe eateth not, and g vétlï God faith the Lord, every knee !hall bow thanks. tome, and every tongue !hall confer 6. He that makethConfcience to keep fuch td God. 12. So then every one of us Days, and not fó to eat,' he intendeth it as an (hall give account of himfelt to God. that of Obedience to God ; and fo loth he i t, 12. God bath told us in his Word than that is contrarily God's minded; and both them he will be firit obeyed and pleated before all pray for acceptance, and givehim thanks: And dare you for filch things difecurage'or re- Men : It it he that is our fulnrme abfoltni: left Men, that as they ale able Study to pleafe Lord; and to himwe mutt all give our great God : Is pleating God fo light in your eiteem. account, and from him receive our final doom : And would you with any than ro obey or- hu- 7. For none of us liveth to hllnfelf; moor yon, when he is perfwaded'°abet it dill and no man dieth to hiililèlf. pleafcth God, and would condemn him ? Or will .you anticipate God's Judgment, andtempt 7. For weare all convinced that we are not Men out of the fear of fanning by your falli- our own, and therefore may not dowhat we biccenfi;resor contemp0 lift otir Pelves, and tit óea pradice e carnal 13, Let us not thereforejudge one felt-interetts, but ro theplealìng of the Will of God ; as all Men die at his Will and into his another any more : but judge this ra- liatds, and nottheir own. '' tiler, that no man put a ftumbling- 8. For whether we live, we live block, or an occasion to fall in his bro- u lto the Lows i and whether we die, ther`s way. die 13 Let not us therefore (Pathos or treigh- {i f m Lxa; .: 't Pb )' a- - t. 1-;{:{es; {fi unct ;..its {; ju+gc or illseach tither,