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h. Iq. Days and Meats Romans. indifferent: 1. I4; for fuch tolerable differences in things that are Chrift's Kingdom : Think not fo unworthily of done Confcientioufly, as forGod : But intleal him that came to free us from the Mofaical Ce- of this di1 ouraging Confèience, and the fear of remonies, that he hathmade filch things asthere fin, let this be Sour trueJudgment, that no Man the neceffàry terms of Loveand Communion in (Clergy or Lay) do eitherby Command or his his Church. But it i.s`in Righteoufnefs before own practice, put a Stumbling-block, Scandal, God and Man, and in theLoveandPra&ice of or occalion of finning or hurt in his Brother's Peace with all, atad in the joyful fenfe of the way, pretending the lawfulnefs of the thing, love of God and hare of Glory flied abroad or his own authority to in-more it, Souls muff On our Hearts by the Holy Ghoft, taking plea- not befodrivenupon fin. fire to help and comfort our Brethren in the 14. I know, and am perfsadedby way to Heaven. This is Chrif}ianiry. the Lord Jefus, that there is nothing 18. For he that in theft things ferv unclean of it felt : but to him that eth Chrift, is acceptable God, and efteemeth any thing to be unclean to approved of men. him it is unclean. Is. For notwithßanding fuch difference in letter things, he that is fuch a one, and in theft, 54. I (that aman Apoffie, and therefore want things fiucerely ferveth Chrift, is acceptable to not Knowledge, not Authority to command God, whoever cenfure him, defpife him, or ex. what fhould be commanded in Inch cafes>) do communicate him s and he is approvedof Wife know and am pet(ivaded in and by the Lord and Charitable Men, and is one whore Life, Jeffs, that none of the Meats counted unclean even the Natural Confcience of Men, will and avoided by theJewifli Chriffians, are un- cret!y be forced toapprove, and condemn them lawfìd in themièlves, and that they miffake that that condemn and vilifie him. think otherwife. But it is unclean, and uulaw- J, Let us therefore follow after u, to :him that thinks it Co (or elk.. Men mutt do that which they think God forbiddeth, the things which makefor peace, and 'which were formaldifobedience to him). things wherewithone may edihe äno- 15. But if thy brother be grieved they. with thy meat, now walkefk thou not r9. In(lead therefore of Excommunicating, h i Abidingor Defpi(ingone another for fuch Ce- e Tdrita:>ly. IJeffYOy riothlnl With thy remonies, or finall differences as thefe, ifwe are meat, for whom Chrift died. 16. Chriftians, let us lay by then matters of Con- Let not then your good be evil fpo- tendon, and earneftly putfae the things that lien of. make for the CommonPeace of all Chtilfians, hg, t 6. Butt if by thy unneæfiàry pro&ice though thus differing, and the things by which we maer each others Sal- of an indifferent lawful thing (and much ¡note vation,yandtnot obtrudeour own Opinions, r if by thy eompulfion) thy miffaken Brother be things unneceflary, to the hurt of others, and hurt and galled, anddifcouraged in Religion, divilion of the Charch. now thou art guilty of the great fin of unchari- tableeefh, when he was guilty but of a par- 20. Fot meat deftroy not the work donable unwilling miffake : And fee to it, chat of God. All things indeed are pure ; thou do not thus by (the practiceor urging of) but it is evil for that man whoeateth any things indifferent clef-troy him for whom with offence. Chrift died, by drawingor driving him to that which to him is fin.: Chriftputchafed Souls by zo. Obtrude not your fcrupled Meat, or Ce- ä dearer price than things indifferent. It's remonies, or final] things, to thedeßrnying of good in you toknow more than he, and lawful Men s Souls, by driving or drawing them to to tire filch Meats as he fcrupleth : But turn not fin. All fuch indifferentthings are pure to the your Knowledge into a fcandal, and offence, pure; but it is your fin if you an them (much and mifchief. more if you imgofe them) to the fcanelal, of- 17: For the Kingdom of Gcd is fence, or hurt of others. not meat and drink, but righteouf- 21. It is good neither to eat flesh, nefs, and peace, and joy in the holy nor to drink wine,rtor any thingwhere- (Thou. by thy bother ftunsbleth, or is offend- 57. For it is not everÿ lawful indifferent ed, or is made weak. thing, (no nor every truth ór finaller duty) zr. It is thy duty to forbear evenFle h and which Chriflianity and Salvation, and right to Wine when they are not neceflitry, if the ufe our Love and Communion lieth on : Theft are of them will occalion fin or more hurt to thy Got eIIèntial to the acceptable SubjeAs of $rocher than good to thee ; much more to avoid obtrudinfa,