Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 1 $. ? efirers eire Romans. to bear with the weak. Ch. t 5, and accommodated himfclf to the good of others; As it is written, The reproaches, vr. He fuffered for Men's fin again!' God. 4. For whatlbever things were writ en aforetime, were written for our learning ; that we through pati- ence and comfort of the ltriptures might have hope. 4. Which laying was primarily Davi.ti s in- deed; but all filch are written in Scripture to teach us alit Patience, and imitation of fah examples of Charity, and fo ro confirm our hope. 5. Now the God of patience and confolation, grant you to be like- minded one towards another, accord- ing to Chrift Jefus: 5. I knowthe danger of this fclfifh =ha- citable humour of impofing Menu own Opini- ons on all others as terms of their Communion with them, and therefore as I have ailed this long and plain exhortation againft it, I hall alfb pray for you, that the God who is patient with the weak, and is their Comforter and yours, will grant you fo much Grace and Cha- rity, as to make you imitators of him, and of the Love and Condefcention of Chrift, and to bear with others, and do by them, as you would beborn with andufed your felves. 6. That ye may withone mind and one mouth glorifie God, even the Fa- ther of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 6. That you may with Unity and Concord hold your holy Communion for worfhipping God,wirhoutuncharitableExcommunications or Separations, vilifying or cenfuring each other ; which can never be expelled by driving each one to agree in fmall unneceßàry things, or without bearing with the millakes and diffe- rences of one another; when all are guilty of many miftakes, and filch differences' mull bill beexpeled. 7. Wherefore receive ye one ano- ther, as Chrift alto received us, to the glory of God. 7. I conclude therefore by befceclting you to receive one another with Love; to your Com- munion, and. Kindnefs, as you would be Chri- ltian imitators of Chrib, and as you are Cmfible of his needful Mercy to your felves, in receiving us that once were Euaemies, and bill have ma- nifold fins and errours, to the glorifying of God's Love andMercy : And pretend not your Knowledge, or Authority, or Piety agaiufl fo commanding a motive and Example. obtruding thy indifferent things on himwho takes them to be fins. 22. Haft thou faith? have it to tiny Pelf before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himfelf in that thing which he alloweth. 22. Haft thou more Knowledge than he to believe thole things to be lawful, which he judged fin? Keep thy knowledge and belief to thy felt, ro jnlhifie thy judgment to God ; but ale it not to the hurt of others. Happy is he that oferi tier his Knowledge of good and evil to his own condemnation. It's a fad kind of Knowledge which is and to déítroy others, and coudemnthy felt, 23. And he that doubteth, is dam- ned if he eat, hecaufe he eateth not of faith: for whatfoeveris not of faith, is fin. 23. I may well call it deftroying thy Bro- ther : For if he do the indiffèrent thing, who rather thinketh it to be unlawful, it rendeth to his damnation, becaufe it is f:n in his Opinion and Interpretation, while he believed it to be fo, or not to be lawful. For whatever a Man dad, believing it to be fin, and not believing that God alloweth it, is certainly a fin in him. C H A P. XV. E then that are frong , ought to hear the infirmi- ties of the weak, and not to pleafe otlr felves. u. We then ( even Church Governours as well as others) that are more knowing, (in- beadof driving Men of 'weaker miderftauding to go againft their Confciences in unnecellàry things) ought to bear their weakuefs Withcorn- paffron, and in Love and Patience, and not ro pralife what we think lawful, on pretencethat we are in the right, when it tcndeth to their hurt, (much lefa to force them to our way) 2. Let every one of us pleate his neighborr for his good to edification. 3. For even Chrift pleated not him- felf, but as it is written, The re- proaches of them that reproached thee, fell on me. 2, 3. Let every one of us (not excepting my felt that am an Apoble) lay by his own hu- mour and felt-will, and chufè the way by which he may edihe Isis Brother, by bearing with his veaksufs. For even Chrift fo coudefcended ANNOTA-