Ch. 8. Devils call out. St. Matthew. Thoeygo.into Swine. Ch. 8. 28. And when he was come to the and faid unto him, Mailer, I will follow thee whitherfoever thou go- eft. 20. And Jefus faith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have netts; but the Sonof tnan bathnot where to lay his head. 18. 19, 20. N. That when Chrift law a man defirousto follow him, either for worldly ends, or with a mind not looted from worldly intereft, he trieth him, and mrneth him offby undeceiving him. 21. And another of his difciples faid unto him, Lord, fuffer me firft to go and bury my father. 22. But Jefus faid unto him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead. 21, 22. Another whom Chrift taw better tefolved and qualified, he would not permit fo much as to go home and bury his Father, but using a proverbial fpeech, faith, Let the dead bury their dead; thatis, if thou be devo- ted to me, follow me, andmy fervice, for this is now thygreateft bufinefs, to which burying thy Father mull: not be preferred : Others that are not engagedas thouart,may bury thy Father: If they would not, it were better he were un- buried, than thou fhouldit defert or negle& me and my fervice. 23. And whenhe was entred into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24. And behold there arofe a great tempeff in the fea, infomuch that the chip was covered with the waves : but he was afleep. 25. Andhis dif- ciples came to .him, and awoke him, faying, Lord, fave us : we perifh. 23,24,25.1v. The Ship is fafewhere Chrift is, tho he feem afleep. 2. Yet dangers cart weak believers into fear. 26. And he faith unto them,Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith ? Then he arofe and rebuked the winds, and the fea, and there was a great calm, 2 6. Great fears are the ordinary effedts of fistful diffruft, and the fymtomes of but little Faith. 2. Get. Chrift onour fide, and he can command all the world to be for us, or not to hurt us. 27. But the men marvelledPaying, Whatmanner ofman is this, that e- ven the winds and the fea obey him? 27. Note, r. Chris's works proved thatbe was a Saviour fully to be trufted : 2. Do but obey Chrift, and he will make all Creatures o bey him for yourgood and fafety. other fide into the country of the Gergefenes, there met him two pof- feffed withdevils, coming out ofthe tombs, exceeding fierce, fo that no man might pafs by that way. 28. That is, two that were mad and poffef. ed, and abed by Devils in their madnefs. 29. And behold they cried out, faying, What have we to do with thee, Jefus thou Son of God ? art thou come hither to torment us be- fore the time ? 29. And the Devils in them by the mens voice cried out, Paying, Meddle not with us, Jeff's thou Son ofGod. Increafe not our tor- ments before the appointed time of their in- create. 3o. And therewas a good way off from them, an herd of many (wine, feeding. 31. So the devils hefought him, faying, If thou caff us out, fuller us to go away into the, herd of (wine, ;o, 31. And (many Gentiles dwellingthere whokept Swine, and perhaps Tome Jews, to fell, tho they eat not Swine's flesh) there was a great 'herdofSwine; and the Devils beinga bafe fort ofSpirits, and bent to all mifchief, craved leave, if they muff he cat out, to go into theSwine, partly to mifchief them, and partly to diféontent their owners. 32. And he faid unto them, Go. And when they were come out,they went into the herd of (wine : and behold, the whole herd offwine ran violently down a fteep place into the fea, and perifhed in the waters. 32. That is, They were mad, and in mad- nefs ran into the fea, and were drowned. 3 3. And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the City, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the poffefied of the de- vils. 34. And behold, the whole City came out to meet Jefus ; and when they faw him, they befought him that he would depart out of their coaf}s. 33, 34. When they, heard all this, thewhole City was movedwith a delire to fee fo ftrange a man : But the lofs of their (wine made them intreat him to be gone and leave their coatis. C 4 CHAPL