Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

1.4rrnotations on Chap. z.;., 15 A N N O T A T I O N S on the former Chapter, and this; TH E Subjea ofthe former Chapter is handfed on thus far, and here that Chapter titould have ended. He that underftandeth the former and prefent State of the Chrifiatk Churches, and the Pride and Ignorance to which Man is liable, will eafily perceive, that it Was not in vain that the Spirit ofGod did by the ApoRle handle and decide this Cafe, ofreceiving Diffenters in tolerable Cafes, into Love and Communion. The yews were fo tied up from L.cgillatiou in God's Matters, bythe knowledgeof God's Prerogative in their Theocracy, that they had lets roam for the Canons and Engines of Man's making to exercife their Pride and TIncl aritablenefs by, than the Romanifls have fine done. And yet the Pharifer plaid their parr, and by their Traditions made void the Lawof God, and preferr'd their Ceremonies be- fore the weighty Matters of the Law, and would not underhand what that meaneth, I will have mercy and not faceifce; and did thereby condemn the guiltlefs. And Chrift found the Samaritans and yews at. the Debate,Wüether in this Mountain, or at Jerufalem, men ought to werfhip? overlooking that I .rfhip whichis in Spirit and in Truth.. And, alas! what workbath Domination, unneceffàry Callous and Cenfures made in the Chriftian Churches there 13oo years And it is an Inhancewhat Power Blindnefs, and Prejudice,and Worldly Interef have, to frutrate the plaineft Decifrons ofGod's Word, that fo full and exprefs a Decifron as there two Chapters make, (with t Cr. 12, and Eph. q. and games 3.) hath fignified as little with the Dividers and Proud, almoft as ifthere had been no fuch written. Andyet fuch Men call for a Judge ofControversies, becaufe of the pretended Obfcurity of the Scriptures, when nothingcan he plainer than this, which they defpife.. They mean that fuch as they -muff be Judges, and God flr'r!I make the Words, if they may make the Seule. How great is the number that go on the ciaofides ofUncharitablenefshere reproved; efpeci- ally on that which is largelyeft infifted on ? One fide faith, All God's Truthsare precious, and none muff be fold for Peace; and we muff not partake ofother Mess's Sins : As if our great Duty of love, Forbearance, and CommunionWere our Sin, or a partaking ofthe Faults ofal./ that we joys.' with. The other Side pretend, t. That Paul only requireth Forbearance in things Indifferent, undetermined by Governours, and not after filch a Csnmadd or Determi- nation. z. Or, that he giveth only a Temporary Rule for the prefent Concord of yeses and Gentiles, till the retied Church lhou!d take a contrary Courfe. F will not here anfwer there at Iarge, having done it in sty Book called, Ti.e only way ofthe Catrres Cnesrd : But I fay, That I defpair ofreducing that Man to the Truth herein, whoHalt continue of either of there Opinions, after he hath ferioully perufed the Text, asad hath con!i- dered, r.. That Sr. Paul here ufeth, I think, above twenty Arguments, Coin Morality and com- mon Chrififan Duty, which be would not do for a mutable Cafe, which Bithops flay change when they will. z. That Rome was then a famous Church, and therefore had Palloro, or one at leap; and that he writeth to the whole Church, and therefore to the l'allora: And. lure he nevermeant, [T;e Clergy(hall receive[deb Dflenters to Communion, and aeisher by Canon er Pra- ¿Pa'ee call- them out, till they think meet to do otherwife, andsill they hale made fach Csiens.] Eau! cloth not fa play with Contradifions, is fo long and grave a Reprehenfion. 3. That St. Pail eft puts himfelf in, as under the fame Obligation with the reff: And if anApoRle called front Heaven may not do what's here forbidden, what Bithops can pretend a Right to do it by great- er Authority or Wifdom? But they that have not known the Way of Peace, may fay fome- thing againft the fuller} and plaineh Defcription 'ofit, and the fharpef Reproofs of God hire fell Rut he will expound there Chapters to their Con£ctences, ifever he makes them Healed of his Church. A% to chofe that fay, it is not Church-Cámmutrion that Paul here (peaks of I. refer them to the plain Text, and Dr. Hammonets Annotations which they value. TheGodof-Love and Peace bath given Laws forLove and Peace, fo ltriA, and full, and clear, that all the World may fee that it is nothe that alleweththe Canons of Cenfures which havefs long torn the Churches. 8. Now I fay, that Jesus Chrilf that the Gentilesmight.g'Eorifie God was a miniffer of thecitcumcifion for for his mercy; the truth ofGod, to confirm the pro- 8, 4. And that you may underhand my AN m.fes mad unto the fachers.1 9, And patent from the huamyle of Cinift I fay;. than