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Ch. 15.. The receiving Romans: ofthe Gentiles. Ch. 15. that it was his Office to reconcile bout Yaw s is, 16. Yet I have written the more boldly and Gentiles to God, who will receive them to you, ofwhat I found molt fuitable, to put both : And therefore they fhould live as recon- you in mindof that which I hope you know cited to each other. Chrift was a Miniftet of already ; becaufe God hathvouchfafedme free- God, circumcifed being a Merv, and perfonally ly the Favour and Honour, to be Chrift's Mi- exercifed his Miniftry among them, to perform miter to the Gentiles, to minifter to them the God's true Promifes to the Fathers: And yet Gofpel of God;: And therefore I do but per- his Gofpel extendeth to the Gentiles alto, that formmy Office, that I may prefent tohim the they may glorifie God with the .Yews. Converted and -Edified Gentiles, as an accept. As it is written For this cure table Offering, fandtified (not ceremonioufly 9. e only) but by the Holy Ghoft, by whom I I will cbnfefs to thee among the preach, and which is poured out on them that Gentiles, and fing unto thy naine. believe. Io. And again he faith, Rejoyce ye 17, I have therefore whereof I Gentiles with his people. s r. And may glory ,through Jefus Chrift ilr again, Praife theLord all yeGentiles, thole things which pertain toGod. and laud him all ye people. 12. And 07. And in the Honour and Succefs ofthis againEfaias faith, There {hall be a my office, I have jolt matter ofglorying an& root of Jeffe, andhe that (ball rife to )oy not as it is a Worldly Dignity, but Spiri- reign over the Gentiles; in him shall cual in the great things that belong to. God. the Gentiles truft. IS. For Iwill not dare to fpeakof 9 >_ so, t i; 12. This is atfo prophefied, That any of thole things whichChrift bath Chrift (hall call and gave the Gentiles: It is not. wrought by me, to make the Written, &c. Gentiles obedient, by word and deed. 13. Now the Godof hope fill you IS. For I will not feign that God hachdone with all joy and peace in believing, moreby me than he bath, but fpeak the Truth that ye may abound in hope through of the Words and Deeds which were wrought the power of the holy Ghoft. by me, to bring the Gentiles to believe its Chrift, and obey him, and mySuccefs herein. 13. Now that God who is our common Iq. Through mighty fgns and Hope, fill you with that holy inward Joy, and that Peace with Godand one another, which wonders, by the power of the Spirit are theBlef ings which your Faith doth tend to, of God ; to that from Jerufalem and that year Hope in God may more abound, by round about unto Illyricum, I have the Seal and Working of his Spirit. fully preached the golpel of Chrift. 14. And I my felf aIfo am per- Is. Not by meer Words, but by fuch Signs fwaded of you my brethren, that ye and Wonders by the Power of the Spirit, as allo are full of goodnefs, filled with bear the proof of God's Approbation, and all knowledge, able alto to admonifh were convincing Evidences to the Hearers. Si, one another. that from gerufalem round to Illyricum I have fully preached the Gofpel ofChrift. 14. And though I am perfwaded that you your Pelves are replenifhed with Grace, Good- 26. Yea, fo have I ftrived to net, and Knowledge,and able to admonit one preach the Gofpel not where Chrift another, (and fo my Letter may feem led ne- was named, left I fhould build upon ceffary); another man's foundation : 15. Neverthelefs, brethren, I 20. And I fpecially chofe to preach the Gof- have written the more boldly unto pel, where Chrift wasnot known,that I might you, in fume fort, as putting you in not only come after others, to finish the mind, becaufe of the grace that is Work which they had begun. given to me of God, i6. That I 21. But as it is written, Towhom Mould be the minifter ofJefus Chrift he was not fpoken of, they thall fee to the Gentiles, miniftring the Gof and they that have not heard, (hall pel ofGod, that the offering up of underftand. the Gentiles might be acceptable, 21. Which God foretold, flying, &o, being fanaified by the holy Ghoft. 22. For which caufe alto I have lees