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Ch, x6. Sundry Romans. Salutations. Ch. 16. beets much hindred from coming to 29. And I am lure that when I you. 23. But now having no more come unto you, I fhal] come in the Ilace in there parts, and diaving á fulness ofthe bluffing of the gofilel of greatdelire thelemany years to come Chrift. :unto you ; 24. Whealoever I take 29. And I am fore chat when I come to you, Iny Journey into Spain, Iwill come to T Ilion come with fuch great affift:nce and evi. YOU for 1 truft to fee you in my deuce of God's Spirit as will have great and journey, and to be brought on nlyway comfortable (heeds among yen. thitherward by you, if liet I be 30. Now I befeech you, brethren, foinewhat filled with your company. for the Lord Jefus Chrift's fake, and a2, Zs, 24. And by Inch Work I have been for the love of the Spirit, that ye hindred from coming to Rama; but now being ftrive together with me in your.pray- more vacant from it here, I hope to fee you ers to God for me; 31. That I may as I go to Spain, and to be brought on my he delivered from them that do not way, when I have had trft the Comfort of believe in IGidea and that my fur- your Çompany there. Y (.vte, That F oaf knew not how God would vice which .I have for Jerulalem, may fend him to Rome, and flop him from going to be accepted of the faints Spain.) no, i T. I befeech you for his fake whom we 25. But now I go unto Jerufaleln all ferve and truft, and as the Spirit of Love bath taught you to love all Saints, that you to minifter unto the faints. will be very eareft as well as I, in Prayer to 25. Now I ana going to Jerufa[ïm, to ferve God forme, that I may be preferved from the Chr,ft, in bringing his poor Saints, which unbelievers in yedea, and my work of relief were under a Famine, filch Relief as I have may be fo accepted as may -help to reconcile coke ed for then,. the Jews, and Gentile Chriftiáns. 26. For it bath lleafed them of (N°ter. That earneft conjurait Prayer is I God's appointed means for his S wants fa ty Macedonia and :achaia, to make a and füccefs: 2. And that thefirougeft believers cettdin contribution for the poor muff fò much fee and regard their dangers, as faints which are at Jerufalem. 27. It to move them earnefily to pray for deliverance.) hach ['leafed them verily, and their 32. That I may come unto you debters they are. with joy by the will ofGods and may 26,27. For the Clariftions of Macedonia and with you be refref!1ed. i?cb,:èa, have chearfully made a Contribution 32, That I may not be hindred from my dr for them, 1 e. fired coining to you, and comfort among you. 27. For it the Gentiles have been Aire, That when we would fain ferve God made partakers of their fpiritual in Peace, God oft choofeth otherwife, that we !hall ferve him (as Pau! there did) in Prifòn t things, their duty is all() to minifter (And hs Witt is bell.) unto them in carnal things. 33 Now the God of peace be 27. And :though they have obliged them with you all. Amen. hereby it was but what they owed. them : And it is myPrayer for you, that God, who For if from Jerurolem the Gofpel of Salvation i have been lent abroad to the Gentiles, it is s the lover and giver of Peace, may dwell meet that they Iltòutd communicate to their mong you with the great Welting of Love-, Wants, in the final! Matters of bodily Relief "Peace, and Concord. .Anien. 2 `S. When therefore I have per- formed this, and have fealed to them G H A P. XVI. this fruit, I will come by you into Spain I. T Commend unto you i" hetoe our lifter, which is a fervant of the 28, when i have done this, and have de- church which is at Cenchrea: 2That G used this Fruit of the iÿrvtaes Love and receive her in the Lord as becom- Com;n :mio, 1 purpofe to take you^in my way to span. eth faints, and that ye affift her in (Nane which Gal elifap,ointedj whatfeever bufioefs lise hatb needof IOW