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Ch. 16. Sundry Romans. Salutations. Ch. i6. you: for the hach been a fuccourer of and Julia :Nereus, and his Sifter, and many, and of my felf alfo. Olympas, and all the faints which r, 2. I pray you kindly receive and aifilt are with thet t. Phebe, &c. For the bath been a great help and 8,9, to, I1, i2, i3, 14, 15. That you may reliever of many Saints, andme. fee that I mind them inparticular, falute fpecI 3. Greet Prifcilla and Aquila my ally Elidewhom I have notice of. helpers in Chrift. Jefus: 4. (Who i6. Salute one another with an have for my life laid down their holy kifs. The churches of Chrift fai, own necks unto whom not only I lute You. give thanks, but alto all the church- 16. Andexertife fuch love one to another, expteffed by (not an tmmodeft and lafctvto f es of the Gentiles). but) an Holy Kifs (the ufual expreffion of 3, 4. Salute in my namePrifsilla, and her frieudtttip in thofe times) : The Churches Husband ...drsila, eminent in helpfuhtefs, and which have notice of my writing false your willing hazards, by which all theGentiles take thernfelves beholden to them, as means of my deliverance, Note, The preferving and helping an emi- nent Minifter, may oblige manyChurches. 5. Likewife greet the Church that is in their houle. s. Salute all their ChriftianFamily, and the 'Saints that ufe there to affemble in Commu- nion. 5. Salute my well beloved Epene- tus, who is the firft fruits of Achaia unto Chrift, 6. Greet Mary, who beftowed much labour on us. s, 6. Note, That God would havethe good works and fervice of his Saints to be valued and praifed, 17. Now I befeech you, brethren, mark themwhich caufe divitïons and offences, contrary to the do£lriné which ye have learned ; and avoid them. 17. And though L feetn -to have ended, reatfumemy exhortation for Love and Concord, for which I have Paid fo much in this Epiftle, Befeeching you to mark chord Men, that bring faireand new Doarihes which the Apoftles never taught you, and to pre= mote them, and for other' finful ends, draw parties, and make Divisions and Scandals a- mong you, avoid chefe, and turn from them. 1S. For they that are fuch,. ferve not our Lord Jefus Chrift, but their own belly; and by good words and 7, Salute Andronicus andJunia my fair fpeeches deceive the 'hearts ofthe kinfinenand my fellow-priloners, who fimple. are of note among the apoftles, who i8. For tho4 thisfort of Men prechit in be alto were in Chrift before me. the chiefeft fervass of Chrift, andpromoter§'of y. Noted for their fitffetings and fervice, Truth andHolinefs, and Happiness yet It will among the Apoftles be found, that it is net Chrift, and his Gal= pen, Kingdom, and Intereft, which indeed they 8: Greet Amplias my beloved in fetes: (For chefe are much ddirved by ix, the Lord. 9. Salute Urbane our help- vifions and Scandals) : But r is their own et in Chrift, and Stachys my beloved. Belly, Mid Fleshly Itì.cereft in fomé Carnal De- r a.Salute Apelles approved inChrift. figs, for to efcape fuffering, or profher; or bd followed and cried up as excellent Perlons Salute thetlí which are of Ariftobulus And though it is ufual with them to have houfbold. Ii. Salute Herodion my good Words and fair Pretences ofWisdom aücl kinlman. Greet them that be of the Excellency, and to ufe fubtile Arguments;, houfhold of Narcilfus, which are in the which the Simple are much taken with, as if Lord. i 2. Salute Tr ' hená aria íhey were clear Truth; and holy Zeal; yet in= 51 deed they do not edifie them, but decieve the Tryphofa, who labour in the Lord. Heartsof fach igntifanr,úndifcerltiog Peribn§. Salute the beloved Penis, which la- For our obedience is come A boured much in the Lcrd. 13. Sa- 9 y Rufustholes in the Lord, and broad unto all men. I am glad there- lute and mine, o41SaluteAfyn- fore on your behalf: but yet I world critus, Phiegon, Hermas, Patrobas, have yen wife unto that which Is Hermes, and the brethren which Are good, and finipie concerning evil. with them. 15. Salute Philologus, Think not that I actors ÿóu, liar warts u: I rejoice that you are famous fir yöitf 13 b ïibsdi