Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Annotationr on Chap. 't6. Obedienceto theApoftolical Doúrine ofFaith, Love, Peace, and Concord: But yet I know fo much of the way of DividingSeducers, andof 'the Weaknefs and Injudicioufhefsof many zea- Lus Chriftians, that I fee caufe to warn you and all others, and to tell you, that there is 25. Now to him that is of power need ofmuch W iCdom to efcape thisSnare, and to ftablifh you according to my Gof- to difcern good from Evil; and to win that el p preaching the pr ófJefüs Chrift, youmay be wife, as well as zealous, toall that is good ; and limpie, or unacquainted with (according to therevelation of the Sinning and Ilerefes. 20. And the God of peace than bruife Satan under your feet fhortly. The grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift be with you. Amen. 20. And to encourage you, I foretell you, That God, who would be known to us as the GodofPeace, and bath promifed that the Holy Seed shall break the Serpent'sHead, will e'er long bruife Satan under your Feet, overcoming his Temptations, and fubduing the Tirannical and Pcrfecuting Ieftrumenrs that ferve him a- gainft the Church, That the great Riches of all Chrift's Grace may be with you, is the heft' Benedidtion and With that I can have for you. Amen. 21. Timotheus my work fellow; and Lucius, and Jalon, and Sofipa- ter, my kinfinen falote you. 22. I Tertius, who wrote this epiftle, fa- lute you in the Lord. 23. Gaius mine hoft, and of the whole church, faluteth you Eraftus the chamberlain of the city faluteth you, and Quartos a brother. 2r, 2z, z3. The Brethren here with me fa- lute you, the.. 24. The `grace of our Lord Jelus thrift be with you all. Amen. 24. From the abundanceofmy Affeétion tb you, I again repeat my great Benedilhion and beire, The Grace of our Lord Jesus Chrift be with you all Amen. myftery which was kept fecret finte the world began, 26. But now is made manifeft, and by theScriptures ofthe prophets according to the command- ment of the everlafting God, made known to all nations for the obedi- ence offaith) 27. ToGod onlywife, be glory through Jefus Chrift for e- ver. Amen. 25, 26, 27. I conclude (as Chrift taught us inhis Prayer) with that which is the Endof all Religion, and of our Lives, and Salvation it fell, the Glorifyingof God. Tohim that can make all our Exhortations effe&ual, and is of Power to eftablifh you according to that Gof- pel which we preach, as it is now a Myftery openly revealed, which was more darklydeli- vered from the beginning, and not clearly understood by fews or Gentiles ; but now is openly made manifeft by Chrift the Light of the World, and his Spirit in his Servants, and by the Scriptures of the Prophets now opened, and agreeing with ourGofpel, which by God's Command we make to known all Nations, to bring them to thisFaith, which now is the eminent and neceffàry Obedience to the Com- mand.and Covenant of Grace? I fay, to God only be Glory, as the end of all our Grace and Glory ? through Jefus Chrift, (whom he bath ordained to be the Chief Means. and 'Glafs for whom his Glory shall thine forth to Man) for ever. .Amen. ANNOTATIONS. qJ \ J HY do we read fo much in the Scriptures Cif the Obedience cf Faith] ? Some would V l not have Faith called (Obedience] left that fignifie CWrks]. .Anf. God bath not made Believers or unbelievers Lawlefs, or under no Command. No A& of Man pleafeth God, which is not Obedience to his Will. When God fendeth abroad the Gofpel or Word of Faith, he commandeth Men to hear it, believe it and obey it : But bare Commanding is not all ; but with it the giveth convincingEvidence of its Truth, and perfuading ReatÒss and Motivesto obey it. Therefore we translate the fame Weld fometime [believingl, and £omíúme rieing perfitadedi ; and the Paine fometime [tnbe:iering], and Tome i s vrif[sa'