Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Annotations on Chap r6. believing], and fometime Çunptrfuaded] and (difobedient). And Chrift is called; The :Author, ofeternal Salvation to all them that obey him. To fay, that [Faith as it is Obedience,) is the. Condition or Qualitication for Salvation but [tot for Pardon orYufìifioarion3, is a perverfe In- vention of Man's Brain. But cannot Men difinguifh between obeying the Law ofInno- cency or of Mofes, and obeying the Law ofFaith and Grate? yea and between obeying this Golpel initially by believing, repenting, and entring into the BaFtifmal Covenant, (which entreth into a State of jufification and Right to Life) and the progreflive Obedi- ence of performing that Covenant to the end, (which is neceffary to Survivors for aóhual Glory)? ChriR knew what he Paid to the Yews, This is the work of God, that ye believì on him whom the Father bath fent, and Paul was Cent to the Gentile World to preach the O- bedience ofFaith ; that is, that Obedience which conffeth in abtual Faith performed to the, Doarine and Command of Faith ; and which bath the Promife of Pardon, Grace, and~ Glory, freely given for the Merita of Chri t. B b z i'4,