Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

TIT Firf'L Epit le of P RU L thé Apoftle, to the CORINTHIANS. The INTRODUCTION. HE N it was that Paul wrote this Epiffle, and'when thefe Corin- thians were converted to Chriftianity, and what Wealth and Repu- tation Corinth (a chief City of Achaia) was then of, I pals by, as things prefuppofed. The Occafion of writing this, is of nearer concern to be known, for theunderltanding of it. It was not unufual with him (as to vi- fit the Churches whichhe had planted fo) to write to them for their Efta- blifhment, whenhe couldnot be prefent with them. But as to the Matter and Manner of his Writing, the Cafc of the Corinthians was the Occafion. i. There were feveral Caf s which it Teems they propofed to him, which he refolveth ; (as about Church-Order, and Prophecy, and Prayer ; about Eating things'offered to Idols; about Marriage and Separation, 1c) 2. There were many Scandals -among them, which he endeavoureth to heal by convincing Reproof; as, 1. Faftions and Schifms, by fetting up, Teachers in envious Competition. 2. Conceitednels of more Wäfdom than they had. 3. Hearkning to envious Teachers, that vilified him, and de- famed his Perfhn and Míniftry. 4. The favouring of Inceft and Scandal, andneglea of Difcipline. 5. Going to Law againft one another, and that before Heathen Judges, when they Mould have decided their differences by amicable Arbitration. 6. Defrauding and wronging one another. .7. Too ea fie Thoughts of Fornication. S: Scandalous eating things offered to I- dols. g. Toomuch backwardnefs to maintain the Minifters, and the Charges of their Work: io. Prophane Diforder at their Love-Feafts and Sacrament, even to partiality, and Excels of Drink, and fcandalous Unreverence, for which God punifhed tome in theFlefh. t i. OvervaluingGifts, and under- valuing lower Chriftians that wanted them ; as not enough fenfible of the Neceffity and Extent of Chriftian Unity. , 12. Dilorder in their Sacred Alembiies in the Exercife of their Gifts. t3. Some erring about and againft the Refurreaion, and others too .much hearkening to them. There things Paul reproveth, and blameth them for not reforming ; but perfhadeth none to fe:iarate from that 'Church for all 'there Corruptions. Rut by this we may know what muff be expeéted from young unskilful Chriftians; add what Faults will be in fuch Churches as ours, though the Paftòrs were the belt; when the Churches were to faulty in the Apoitles Time and Pretence ; and how far they are from the Apoftolick Spirit, Skill, Love, and Lenity, who wouldExcommunicateall as intolerable Schilmaticks, who