Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. r. Paul reproveth I. Corinthians. Dijntions. Ch. r. who Conform not to all their deviled unneceffary Additions, and dare not fubfcribe their Juftification or Approbation of all their Forms. And they an that quarrel with their Teachers, and forfake them, when Men of New Opinions, and zealous Confidence tempt them. And they that inftead of doing their own pat to reform the Corruptions of fuch a Church, and in Love and Tendernefs to draw Sinners to Repentance, do take the dividing lazyCourfe, tofeparate ffom fuch Churches with a few counted the heft, who will put them to leap Labour and Trouble in Difcipline. Paul himfelf held Communionwith this and other fuch Churches, notwithftanding all thefeFaults : And we find not that he Excommunicated any one, though he require them to do it, and decreed to do it but on one, i Cor. 5. and reverft that Pupae. I find not in all the New Teftament that there was ever two Chriftian Churches in any one Town or City, upon any Diffe- rence among them, unlefs yc,u will call the condemned Netts of Hereticks fuch. CRAP. I. r.TopAul called to be an apoftle of Jefus Chrift, through thewill of God, and Softhenes our brother, 2. Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are fan£ti- fied in Chrift Jeliis, called to be faints, with all that in every place call upon the naine of Jefus Chrift our Lord, both theirs and ours. 1, 2. Paul a called Apoftle by the fpecial E- lcAing Willand Favour of God, and Brother SJtAenes; To the Church of God at C.riar!,, . being fin&ified to God in Chrift,artd fo are cal- led Saints ; with all filch as faithfully call on the Name ofChrift, our common Lord. 3. Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jefus Chrift. 3. I with the great Blefïings of Grace and Peace, inward and outward Welfare fromGod the Fountain of all Good, and Jefus Chrift the Mediator and Donor of all to -us. 4. I thank my G6d always onyour behalf, for the grace of Godwhich is given you by Jefus Chrift; 5. That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all know- ledge: 6. Even as the teftimony of Chrift was confirmed in you. 7. So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jefus Chriftt. 4, s, 6, 7. I am thankfid for what you have received,. that you abound in the Gifts 9f Ut- terance and Knowledge, as among you the Gofpel of Chrift was confirmed toyou by the Miraculous Gifts ofthe Spirit ,whichyou law and received, fo that you haveattained to Each an Eminency, as fitteth you for the Perfe Lion of all at the comingof Chrift, which you hope and wait for. 8. Who Mall confirm you .unto the end, thatyemay be blamelefs in the day of our Lord Jefus Chrift. S. who will not deny you his Confirming Grace, that 1o.i may be found holy and Jul1i- fiable at that day. 9. God is faithful, by whom ye werecalled miro the feilowfhip ofhis Son Jetlis Chrift our Lord. 9. FGr Gol is fithfie, who freely called you to the State of Communionwith a d in Chrift, whenyouwere Ali:nsto it, and there, fo.-e will not fa ..1 you when you are called an-1 reconciled. io. New I befeech you, brethren, by the nameof our Lord Jefus Chriff, that ye all fpeak the fame thing, and that therebe no divifions among you ; but tbav ye be perfealy joynecl toge- ther inthe fame mind, andin the fame judgment. r r. For it bath been de- clared unto me of you, mÿ bre- thren; - by themwhich areof the houfe of Chloe, that there are contentious among you tm, t t, but notwithftandingall your Gifts, I find caule to befaech you, even by the Au- thority and precious Name of Chrift, that you will take heed ofDivifions, Sidings, aid-ton. abs tenticws i