Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

th. I Pant réproveth I. Corinthians. Diíentions: -Ch. t:' tentions, andbees in one Mindand judgment. i7. For though Baptizing be within my For Ihave been credibly told of your Contén- Commiffion, it was not that lint Preaching lions, el c. the Gofpel to convert Souls to Chrift, that I Nate, I. That Churches and Perfons of emi- was molt eaprefly and principally commif ion- hent Gifts may be liable to finful Divifions ed to : And that not by filch Humane Arts of -and Strife. t. That Unity and Concord mutt Philpfophy and Oratory as now pats for W,if- improve all our Gifts, if we would have them don', left thefe ihotrld carry thePraile from the 'profit our fives and others. 3. Therefore it Dottltine,Crofs,andMiracles which Chrift cloth Mutt be in the neceffary things that we mutt u- work by, to concert the World: bite, and be of the fame Mind and judgment, Nate. How grotty they err, that fay, That- and not in things Doubtful and Unneceffary: God converteth and giveth Grace by Sacra. 'éife it would be as vain; as to befecc!a them mente only, or rather than by Preaching. to be all Men of Learning or highelt Under- O. For thepreaching of the crofs Stand, °' is to them that erifh foolifhnefs I2. Now this I fay, that every P > one of you faith, I am of Paul, andI but unto us which are Paved, it is the 'Of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I power ofGod. of Chrift Is. Forto them that thugparssfor Wire Mai ï z. I hear that you name your felves as the in th6 World, bur are unGved and perifh in Y yo their wildem, it feemeth great Folly to truth Followers or Party of this or that Man, as if in aCrucified Chrift for Salvation, and fuffer you let your Teachers and their DoSrine a- for him: But the Pottier and wifdom ofGod gainfe one another, and even Chrift againft arethas Wayeminently manifefted to, us, who this Miniftets. have felt its living Efficacy on our fe:ves, and t 3. Is Chrift divided ? was Paul. stall be Paved by it. 'crucified for you ? or were ye bap- Iq. For it is written, I will deftroy -tized in the name of Paul ? the wifdom ofthe wife, and will bring 13. will yemake Chrift, who is our Com, to nothing the underftanding of the :anon Headand Saviour, to be the Head of a prudent. rFa&ion ? Or will you let. Paul againft Christ? l ForGod, -who is aaain(f the Pri ?e of As if Passl had been crucified for you, or you 19. g baptized into hisHanle> Knowye not that we Mau, did pro phefie, That he wou',d f,uftrate the Carnal Iaave no Head of the ChurchbutChrift 2 Vs ildom of sngodly Men, faytic, I 14. I thank God that I baptized trill a ray, &c. none. of you, but Crif tis and I 20. Where is the wile ? where is 15. Heft y any íhould fay that I had the fcribe ? where is the difputer of baptized inmine own name. 16. And this world ? bath nut Cod made I baptized alto the houibold of Ste- food. the wifdom of this world ? banns : betides I know not zO path not the Gofpel ofaCrucified Chrift P nowvánquifhand themethe Learned fltib',"Ophy I baptized any other. and Oratory, Heathen and jewifh arri.cral rq, 15, t6. Though Baptizing be Chrift's Learning, counted the chief Wifdom? And Ordinance, I thank God that he fo over-ruled dot], it nottierce andStame the wrangling Lo. my AC-lions, that I baptized none of you, bur giclant, and Phew the Folly and utter Impácn- erifptss and Gains, and the Hauthold of Sepia. cy and Vanity.of their Learning? saua, but that it was dotte by others, becanfe 21. For after that, in _the wifdom thereby I have efcaped this Scandal, which :might have done more harm, than nay Bapti- of God, the world by wifdom knew -zing would have done good. mat God, it pleated God by the foo- Ncre, That as .Abraham and others were to lifhnefs of preachingto fave them that bring all their Houfholds with them into the believe. Covenant; who were their own, and not free 21. For when as the World by God's wife Servants; fo were thefe that had Hctu`holds Peemiffrou, lived irz fach Ignorance, that they bound to bring all their own into God's CO- had not the Pra9ical Knowledge of the True venuta. as far as they were able. God, but difbbeyed h m, and worshiped Idols r7. For Chrift fent me,not tobap- it pleäfèdGod by that Preaching ofChrift which tine, but to preach the Goíj ?el : not they count Foolifhnefs, to convert and fave Be- with vrifdom of wards, left the Crofs livers, and do that which all their Learning eat Chrift íhouïd be made of none ef- could not do. ' gt, 22.. For the Jews require a fign, and