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Ch. r. 7hoWifdom I. Corinthians. of God. Ch. r. and the Greeks Peek after wifdom: bate things of the World, an ,l things 23. But we preach Chrift crucified, which are defpifed, hath God chofen, unto the Jews a ftumbling block, and yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are, : 29. That no flefh fhould glory in his unto theGreeks, foolithnefs ; 24. But unto them which are called,bothJews and Greeks, Chrift thepower of God, and the wifdom of God. 22, 2.3, 24. For betides all the Miracles and Refurre&ion ofChrift, the 7evos req.,ire fome Sign from Heaven, to prove to them chit Chrift was feu; fromGod: And the Greek look for eminent Learning to prove it, (fume-eminent Learning in Philofophy, Logick, or Oratory.) But we, that convert and fave the World, do isby preachingSalvation by a Crucified Chrift, though it be to the ?ems a Scandal which they cannot receive; and to Gentiles teeming Folly: But to them that are converted and Caved by it, Chrift is the Power and the Wifdom of God. 25. Becaufe the foolifhnefs of God is wirer then men; and the weaknefs of God is ftronger then men. 2g. For that of God which Men count FoolifhnefsandW eaknefs,andderide, doth over- come their pretended,W ifdomand Strength,and do that which they cannot do,andproveth them to be but Folly and Weaknefs. 26. For ye fee your calling, bre- thren, how that not many wife men after the Belli, not many mighty, not many noble are called. 26. As Chriftianity is the true Wifdom, you feeby experience, that not many Learned Men, or Great Men that mte in the World, or Noble Men that abound in Wealth, Pleafures, and Honour, become Chriftians. 27. But God hath chofen the foo- lith things ofthe world, to confound the wife ; and God hash chofen the weak things of theworld, toconfound the things whichare mighty; 28. And prefence. 27 28 29 But it pleafeth God 'to chufe that which the WorldcountsFoolifh, and Weak,ancl Bafe, to confound, fhame, and overcome that which is acoutted by them, Wife; and Mighty, andHhnourable;and the things which they def- pife, God will ufe and honour: yea, by that whichfeemeth nothing to them, or which yet is not in being, to vanquifh thole which teem great and real to them; that fo the Pride of Man may be thinned, and the Impotencyof Man manifcfted, and all Flefh maybe humbled, and driven from their Selfconfidence, and none óy glory ofany thing of his own, againft his Glory. 30. But of him are ye in Chrift Jefus, who of God is made unto us wifdom, and righteoufnefs, and lanai- fication, and redemption : 3 t. That, according as it is written, He that glorieth let him glory in the Lord 30.31. But it is by his Power andwork that you are made Chriftians, united to Chrift, who of God is made to us the Obje& and Teacher of the trueft Wifdom; (To know him, and to be taught byhim the Great things ofSalvation, excelleth all the Heathen Philofophys) He is made of God our Righteoufnefs, the Merita of his perfel Righteoufnefs procuring uur free Pardon and Adoption, which our Works could not do. He is made our San&ilication, we be- ing purified by vertue of his Sacrifice, mad by hisSpirit, and by him feparated as a Peculiar People to God. Andby him it is that we have Redemption and Deliverance from Sin, and Sa- tan, and the Law, and Death, and Hell : That, as it is written, God and not Man may beall. ourGlorying andTrutt,' ANNOTATIONS. J- H i S Chapter doth fo plainly defcribe the fame fort of Wife Men that are defcribed Remi. and feveral other fuch Places, as yet is confeffedly meant of the Heathen Phfofophers, and Learned and Great Men, including the Jewifh Scribes;- and therefore confuteth the mifap- plicatiOn of many Each Texts to the Gnofticks only. B 4. CHAP.