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Ch. 2. The Wifdorn I. Corinthians. of God. Ch. zï Men of Name and Power, which peritheth as a C H A P. H. $ubble, and favethnot them that have it. brethren, when 7 7. But we fpeak the wifdom of God came to you, same not with in amyffery, even thehidden v.ufdam excellency of fpeech, or of wifdom, which God ordained before theworld declaring unto you the teftimony of into our glory. God. 7. But we fpeak the MyfteryofRedemption; a. Accordingly, Imy felfbeing tentbÿChrist the Produa and Difcovery of the Wifddm of to preach to the World, did not come to you God, which hash been kept In muchdarknefs, -with the admired Philofophy and Oratory of and little known but ordained before the the World, in declaring the Gofpel-Myfiery, World was, to be opened in çhefulne of time and God's Attestation of it to ourGlory. 2a For I determined not toknow any g Which none of the princes of Thing among you, fave jefus Chril}, this world knew ": for had they known and him crucified. i 2. For I refolved to make no aftentation of it, they would not havecruc fied the ally other Learning, andto teach you noother, Lord -of glory: than the Knowledge of a Crucified Chrift, in $ Which none of the Rulers ofThis Age of an humble manner preached. the World knew ; elfe they had notcrucified 3. And I was with you in weak- Christ, dre. tlefs, and in fear, and in much trem- 9 But as it is written, eye bath Wing. not teen, nor ear heard, neither have 3. And accordingly I was humbled among entred into the heart of man, the you, by Perfecutiotts, and Abufe, and continu- things which God hath prepared for at Dangers and Sufferings, in conformity to the them that love hint. Grofs of Christ, which I preached. 4. And my fpeech, and my preach- 9. For the great Gifts of God's Grace, de- creed and prepared for all that love him, are Inch as Man teeth not,and hardly believedt,and man's wifdom, but in demanftration cannot comprehend: As it is written, £ yhath of theSpirit, and of power; ma feen, &e at. And my manner of preaching was, not t o. But God bath revealed ahemun- by the witty Infinuatious of Artificial yearn- tous by his Spirit : for theSpirit fear- ing, (Oratory or Logick;) but fo, as did de- . month-ate the fu rna[ural Gift of the Spirit of clleth all things, yea; tile Sleep, things God, and in the Power thereof, inarpfefted of God. by Miracles and Succefs. to But God by his Spirit bath revealed 5. That your Faith lllould not them tous his Apollles (and toothersthat have stand in the wiídotn of 'in-in s but in his Spirit in the mcafure that they have it): the Power of God. For the Spirit ofGod is given us (in our feveral mcafures) to teach us all things fit for us to S. That your Faith, the Effea, which will know, even the Depths ofGod. be like its. aufe and Motives,might notbe meerly t L. For what man knoweth the Humane founded on andprayed into ehe 4,s of the Speaker; but Divine, grounded on abet things of a man, rave the fpirit of ìefolved into the EvidenceofDivine Revelation man which is in him ? even fo the áud:flùthoiiry. things of God knoweth no man, but 6. Howbeit we fpeak wifdom a,. the Spirit of God. naong them' that are perfeet yet not as. As a Man's Spirit is contrions of ;ts own the wifdom of this world, nor of the fecret Atings and Thoughts, which do Man princés of this world that come to elfe can know, to the Spirit of God know nought. the Secret thingsofGod, and maketh us know them in ourmeafures, which they thathave nog 6. lIet we aregot without ufeful Lgarmng, Spirit cannot by all their Learningknow. and fublimiry and accuratenefscf speech, but 12s Nowwe have received,not the 3afe ¡itchwiththotethat areknowingand capable S airit Of the world; but the 'Spirit ìsfit . But not the gain and frothy Learning .l which is now nioft applauded in the'%'arch by which is 6f Gad í that we mi ,ht kliot