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'Annotations on Chap. 2. know the things that are freely given 14. But they that have not theSpirit them; (elves, but meer Nature, cannot with all their to us of God. Learning receive Thefe fpiritual Myßeries re- 12 And this Spirit God bath given to us; vealed to us byGod ; for they will feem but not theSpirit of theWorld, to make uscarnally Fangtick Dreams and Foolifhnefs to them, not and worldlywife; but the Spirit of God, to to be believed. Nor can they underftand them; make us favour and knowGod's great myße- for only a Mind illuminatedby God's Spirit nous Gifts of Grace. doth difcern them. 13. Which things alto we fpeak. 15. But he that is fpiritual, }udg- not inthewords which man's wifdom eth all things, yet he himfelf is judg- teacheth, but which the holy Ghoft ed of no man. teacheth ; comparing fpiritual things as. But he that is Spiritual difcerneth'there with fpiritual, revealed things of the Spirit In his Meafure; 13. And thefe are the things which we when yet he himfelf, and his own Spiritual preach to you, not in Words and Manner Apprehenfrons, and Affections, are unknown nowcounted by the Heathens to be Learned to Carnal Men that hear him. and Wife, nor after their vainArts; but in the 16. For who hath known the mind very Words and Manner which God's Spirit of the Lord, that he may inftru& teacheth us, who teacheth us the Matter, fit- ingSpiritual Words to Spiritual Things, that him ? But wehave the mindofChrift. all may be ofGod. 16. For who bath pried into God's fecret 14. But the natural man receiveth Counfels, orknown his Mind, farther than he i of the things of the Spirit of God : hath openedit ro him? But Chrß our Teacher for they are foolifhnefs unto him hari told us his own and his Father's Mind, ; which we are to preach to the World for neither can he know them, becaufe Man's Salvation. they are fpiritually difcerned. ANNOTATIONS. T. i T is none of PAW'S meaning here, to vilifie true Philofophy, Logick, or Oratory, or. any ufeful Knowledge or Art: And all Knowledge is ufeful to one that reterreth it toright Ends, which is Knowledge indeed: For God hash made nothing knowable in vain. True Phyfrck is the Knowledge of the knowable Works ofGod, and God in them, that we may admire, love, retire, and truft him. True Logick is but the Sxill of ufing our Reafon truly and orderly. True Grammar and Oratory are but fitting Words to Things, and to the Hearers Minds, as molt"tendeth to their Edification. God is againß none of there, which are his pre- dous Gifts. But carnal Men have carnal ends, and fit all thefe ahuftvely to their Ends, to wrangle againß Truth, and divert their Minds fromThings to Words, and from great and e- verlafting Things to Trifles, and to feed their Pride, and Ambition and Covetcufnefs, and to maketheir Malignity more keen and hurtful. And fuch was theLearning of thefe Heathens, which then paß for Wifdom in the Woild. 2. Nor Both Paul here-favourFalk Pretences of the Spirit, or true Fanaticifm; when Men take the Deluficns of Satan, or every Prong Imagination, or the boiling of their Pride and er- roneous Paffions, fed by Prejudice, for the Work of God's Spirit. Thefe fin more dangeroufly than many others, by charging their Sin and Errour upon God, and tempting Men to deride the Spirit. Even as falfe Prophets ale fharplief reproved, and the counterfeit ufe of Chrift's Name by the Sons of Sceva, did but frengthen the Devil againft them. Therefore we are bid to try the Siirits. C H A P. III. T. A ND I, brethren could not fpeak 'unto you as unto fpi- ritual, but as unto carnal, even as un- to babes in-Chrift. r. But this Spiritual Wifdom, of which P have laid lush great things, is not in all Clxi- Rians alike. 'Though theApofles had theSpi- rit to lead them into all needful Truth, and re:ord it for the Church, yet Tomeweak Chri- Bians are Bill fo'much carnal, that their Spi- ritual Wifdomis but Each as Babes ih Chrift have, who haveBill need robe fed and taught by others: And as to fuch, I am conftrained to fleck to yp'w s. ï