Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. Ghrift the I. Corinthins. only Founclarian. Ch. 3. 2. I have fed you with milk, and Grace, and Labour; and fo Mall we have of not with meat: for hitherto ye were our Reward. not able to bear it, neither yet now 9. For we are labourers together are ye able. with God : ye are God's husbandry, 2. I feed you with the Food of Babes, and ie are God's building. not of ftrong undz.ftanding Men; orellt I had v. For we are all but God's Miniflens, Fe!- loft my labour by your incapacity: For hard- low labourerseach withother,having our feveral err things youcould not, nor yet can bear. Parts to do: ye are not our Husbandry, and Building, and Church, but God's. 3. For yeare yet carnal : for where- lo. According to thegrace of God as there it among you envying, and which is given unto me as a wife drift, and divi(ions,'are ye not car- inaffer-builder I have laid the foun- nal and walk as men ? dation, and another buildeth thereon. 3, For yc are yet in a great meafure Carnal : Do not your Envy, and Strife, and Divifions, But let every man take heed how he prove that you are fo far Carnal, and live ac- bilildeth thereupon. cording to the corrupt Nature ofMan, and not an As God gave me an extraordinary Call by the Spirit ofGod ? and Grace, my work hath beenthat of an Ar- 4. For while one faith, I am of chitecf or Chief Builders and accordingly I Paul, and another, I ans of Apollos, have laid the Foundation of-many Churches, 2Te ye not carnal ? i preaching Cheft where none before believed; " and another hath come after me ro build. them 4. For while you divide into Faltions for up: But let every Man take heed that he your feveral Teachers, are ye not fo far Carnal? teach nothing but what is true and found. 5. Who then is Paul, and who is 1I. For other foundation can no Apolios, but ministers by whom ye man lay, then that is laid, which is believed, even as the Lord gave to Jefils Chrift. . every man ? r r. net him not alter the Foundationwhich e. What are any of us but Chrift's Mini- I have laid : For there is no other but Cnrift,. Oers, by whofeMiniftry you were brought to or the Effentials ofChriflianiry, lad ieve i;a Chrift, even as God gave us various 12. Now if any man build upon Degrees of Suaef. this foundation, gold, Elver, precious 6..1 have planted, Apollos water_ edt but God gave the increafe. Atones, wood, bay, fubble: 13. Eve- 6, I tete preached to your Converfion, and 1"Y man's work (hall be made manifeft. ,Aphis to your further Edification: ji e the For the day (hall declare it, becaufe 5uccefsand Fruit of ail was not from our Pow- it (hall be revealed by fire; and the er, lest from the free Grace of God: fire (hall tryevery Man's work ofwhat 7. So then, neither is he that fort it is. plantetil act thin, neither he that 12,13. And what following Tenchera build :V :.tertil ä r;Wä; Gwd that giveth the on this Foundation, God will bring to tryst and manifeft. If it be found and holy, Gold, nuseg o. Silver, Precious Stones, God will approve and 7. If then you would know to whom tq al-- blefs it : Ifit be trrour, andCarnal Policy, or Bribe your Conversion and Salvation, we poor corrupt Mixtures, or things unprofitable, God Miniffers that plant and water, are but as God's will try and difown it, by his Spirit, and by Tools, and to be accounted as nothing in corn- the Fire ofPerfecution. _parifoo of tim, who (as he Pent us; and end- . èd us, fo) castled freely all the Succefs, which 14. Ifany man's work abide which is our Joy, and your Welfare, he bath built thereupon, he (hail re- 8. Now he that planteth, and he ceive a reward. that watereth, are one: and every t q.. If his Labour and Doeerine farwe farad man tnail receive his own reward, and endúre God's Fornacein trial, he ßa11 be > ac- rewarded, cording to his own labour. If any man's work íhall be s. Nosy it is by the fame Minifierial Grace 1 5 and Office that one of üs planteth; and another burnt, he (tall fuller lofs: but hehim waterer!,; and it is the fame Spirit that mov- Pelf :hall be faved; yet fo, as by fire, e,h us, and the fame Gofpel which we preach : t 5. If it prove that filch Teachers have erred, Cat WI she have one dilfc'rtnt PleafarceofGifts, sod milled the People, God's Trial will turn fuck