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Ch. 3. Worldly Vilifdom 1. Corinthians. Fooliflinef. Ch. 4 filch Labour to their grief, as wotfe than loft: But if he pra&ically hold the Foundation, he (hall be pardoned and (àved ; yet not without the trying Fornace, which ihali detedt his Er- rour, and teach him better, to his colt. 16. Know ye not that ye are the temple ofGod, and that the fpirit of God dwelleth in you ? i6. Know ye not that your Souls faverally, and your Church colledtively, are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you and among you; and therefore you mutt be holy ? 17. Ifany man defile the temple of God, him (hall God deftroy: for the templeof God is holy, which temple ye are. t7. Godwiil deftroy them that profane his holy Temple, and defile it with the things which heabhorreth: and you and your Church- es are this holy Temple, if you are holy, and his indeed. 18. Let no man deceive himfelf Ifany man among you feemeth tobe wife in this word, let him become a fool, that he may be wife. 18. Let none of you deceive himfelf by pretended Wiftiom, which is not Spiritual, and doch not pari to Heart and Life : like thofe that boaft-of wifdom, and live in the filth of Sin. If any man among you be putt up with the Conceit of this Philofophiral worldly Wifdom, let him know, that it is but Folly, and he con- vinced of his Ignorance, that he may humbly learn of Chrift, and be made truly wife. 19. For the wifdom of this world is foolifhnefs with God for it is writ- ten, He taketh the wife in their own craftinefs. 20. And again, The Lord knoweth the Thoughts of the wife, that they are vain. tv, zo. For all that Men call Learning and W ifdom, which doth but ferve a worldly Lore- refl., and favethnot the Soul from Sin and Hell, is meer Foolish cefs in God's account : For it proverb but a Snare to themfelves, atril vapour- oth away as Idlenefs and Vanity , As it written, c. 21. Therefore let no man glory in men : for all things are yours: 22. Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life,or death, or things prefent, or things to come, all are yours : 23. And ye are Chrift's and Chrift is God's: 21. Therefore think not over-highly ofany Man; efpecially for his worldly Wildem and Learning, or boafting that he knoweth more than others: For all Teachers and their Wif- dom are but God's Gifts for your good ; Apo- ffles, Prcv:deace, Life, or Death, all are for your Salvation s and that is beft to you; that maketh you beft : The End muff dived you to judge of the Means, and fo of Teachers: They are for you, and your Salvation ; and you are Chriff's, and for his Glory; and Chrift, as Man and Med,aror,, is God's, and for hin Gory. ANNO T'f><TIONS. WE fee here, that Secos, Fa&ions, andDivifious are the Works of the Fleflt, and Ggrine a Mind that is fo far carnal ; and that tris corned' ufually by preferring and fetriog Teach- er againft Teacher; Not but that the great dittererae of Worth and G are mutt be acknowled cd and valued, but not made an occafott of Divifion, but cf Concord, all Beim God's Mini fiers for the Church's Common Good, in the rat-ions Meafure of their Gifts. The Carnal are Headed by Man, and the Sprirual by Chrift only, though Men' be these Helpers. And Opina is here named, as if it were on brought that the Boman Bishop would make himfelf fucia an Head, on pretence of being his Succeflòur. CHAP. IV. i ET a man fo account of us, as of the minifters of Chrift, and ewards of the myfteries of God. a. I (peak not all this to draw you from the due honour of faithful Minifters: Account us neither more nor refs, bat as the Minuets of Chrift for your Salvation, and Stewards calved and trotted with the juft miniftration of the myfteries of God ; that is, the fòund Iraaching ofhis word,and the due application ofir,enci ad- miniftration of his Sacraments, and power of the Keys to judge who Shall be baptized, and ase, as lit, in holy Commuioion with his table Churches. 2. Moreover it is flew- arts, that a-nun be found faithful. a. And