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Ch. q:. Fools for I Corinthians. Chrii. Ch. 4 z. And it is required ofStewards, efpecially for your good ,as I wrote here before, and use that have Co great a truft, that they be faithful them for Concord and not for Seas. and anfwer that truft, in matter, and manner, 7- For who maketh thee to differ and application ; and that they falfifie not God's Word, not corrupt his Worfhip, or from another? and what haft thou °meth, nor betray or negleet Souls, nor turn that thou didft not receive ? now over their proper emit and workto others. if thou didftreceive it, whydolt thou 3. But with me it is a very (mall glory, as ifthou hadft not received it? thing that I fhould be judged of you, . 7. And if really any ofyou are'wifer than yr of man's judgment : Yea, I judge others, who gave thee that wifdom which ma- Slot mine own Íè1{ kerb the difference ? and what haft thouwhich a. And ifany among you cenfitre me, I ac- was not freely given thee without defers? And count it a very fmall matter; tho' I defpifeno unit was (ò given thee, why arc thou puff up, man's }uR admonition, Mans judgment fgni- and boa(teft, as if ie had been deferved, or tieth little as to my felt, farther than it may were from shy Pelf? .be hurtfitl to others : For my cafe will not be 8. Now ye arefull, now ye are rich, finally determined by any Man's Judgment, ye have reigned as kings without us nor by my own. and I would to God ye did reign, 4. For I know nothing by my fell, that we all() might reign with you. yet am I not hereby juftified: but he 8. You rake your felves to be grown much that iudgeth me is the Lord. wifer and better under your exalted envious 4. For my Conffence is wieners of my fin- te teachers, than you at were under us, and fo fee cerity, and I know no unfaithfulnefs in my B by you : You are as Kings in your fu!ne Stewardflaip, though I am yetitnperfe& ; but fs and profperity in your this is not my deciding Juftification, nor is own conceits, Once I was with you: And I my Confcience any publick or final Judge, but would you were fo indeed, that we might re- only the difcerner ofmy Cafe. It is ChriR on- IoYce and partake with you, and be refreshed whole Judgment mutt publickly and finally withyou under all the perfecuúon which weyet pafi my doom. endure. g. Therefore judge nothingbefore 9.For I think thatGód bath let forth the time, until the Lord come, who us the Apoftles laft, as it were ap- both will bring to light the hidden poin-ed to death. For we are -made things of darknrf's, and will make a fpe£tacle unto the world, and to an- manifeft the counfols of the heart : gels, and to men. v For God feemeth to have called us'A- and then ;hall every Man have praife God. rouges to be expofed on the Theatre of the of world, as lag, and appointed togreater fishes. g. 7here£ore ufutpnot God'spart in uncall'd, legs than the Prophets were, who Jitffèred be- hold,and peremptory judging : Stay till God's fore us, in our Martyrdom tobe made publick day come, he will bring works of darknefsin- fpeaa aes to the world, both Angels and Men. tolight, and open the ferrets ofMens Hearts ; and then thole that indeed are excellent per- to. We are fools for Chrift'sfaker thins Mall have God's approbation and praife, but ye are wife in Chrift: we are which is better than theapplaufe of factions weak, but ye are firong : ye are ho- sad partial followers, neurable, but we are defpifed. 6. And thee things, brethren, I to. While you are conceited ofyour (elves have in a figure transferred to my as wire in the things of Chriff, and as firong felf, and to Ap01103 for your fakes : and honourable, we are defpifed by the boaft- that ye might learn in us, not to ers of theWorld, as kola and weak. think of men above that wkich is s i. EvenUnto this prefent hour we written, that no one of yoube puf- t aungre bufleteld and have no ked feel up for one againft another: $ place ; certain dwellin rs. And Ja- & All this I have fpoken as if the cafe had been izty own and .Apollo's, to warn you of hour working withour own hands : the fin and danger ofMaking men the heads t {, ra. Your profperous Rate, and our Calf- of Factions and llivifions, by thinking over feting frate much differ: Formerly, awl so highly Of your felves, or them a and that You thisday, we are taken for contemptible vaga- thiuk of all Miniftessbut as God's Stewa ds bonds, and live in hunger and chid}, and Feu dioatli,44;