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Ch. 4. Timothy fent. I. Corinthians. The incefiuous Perfan. cloathing, abufed and buffeted without Juftice 19 But I will come to you portly, or Relief, having no fixed habitation of our if the Lord will, and will know, not own, and put to get our Bread by our handy the fpeech of t which are puffed labour, while we preach to others. u but the hem h power. 12. Being reviled, we blefs : being v gut I power. tly if the Lordwil[, perfecuted, we fuffer it : 13. Being and will try your boaßing, envious Teachers, defamed, we intreat : wearemade as not who path the fmootheft Tongue, but who. the filth of the world, and are the bath the greatn power of the Spirit. oft-fcouring of all things unto this 20. For the kingdom of God isnot day. in word, but in power. r2, r 3. Being reviled-by-opprobrious words, 2e. For the Kingdom ofChrlff is not railed, we with themwell that do is : being unjuftly nor diftinguifhed from the world, or carted on perfecuted, we put all up, and patiently bear by fmooth Words, but by Works of Divine Ef- it : Being defamed by vilifying falfe Acculera, ficacy and Power. we intreat and fpeak them fair ;weareefteemed and ufed as the filth of the world, and the off. 2 I. What will ye ? fball I come un- fcouring, refute and (cumof the Earth, as un- t0 you with a rod, or in love, and in worthyofHumane Society or peace to this day. the fpirit of meaknefs ? 14. I write not there things to 2.1. And had you not rather that I come in shame you, but as my belóved Sons, love a,td mre nef, than with punifhing Power, co deliver an offenders to Satan as God's Exe- I warn you. cutioner on their bodies? t 4. And though we fuffer all this for you, and fuch others, and Come ofyou have added to any Af Ii&ions, which you Ihould have eafed, I write it to warn you, and. not to reproach you C H A p. V. with it Enemies. even as to my Sons, and not mine I T is reported commonly that there 15. For though youhave ten thou- is fornication among you, and fand inftrufters in Chrift, yet haveye fuch fornication as is not to much as not many'fathers : fut. in Chrift Jefus named amongft theGentiles, that one 'I have begotten you through the fhouldhave his father'swife. gofpel. 1. It is not a doubtful Fame, but a credible t;. For thoughyouhave never fo manyTea- Reporr, that there is fuck Fornication among chers, you owe .tome fpecial Refpe& to me, you, as Civil Heathens do abhor; that one who am your Father, or first Converter by my mould have his Father'sWife. Miniftry. 2. And yeare puffed up, and have i6. Wherefore I befeechyou, be ye not rather mourned,, that he that followers of me. bath done this deed, might be taken 56. Wherefore I befeech you, let no Tea- away from among you. chers draw you from the DoSrrine which I de-. a, And you havemade lightof it, and not as livered to you from. Chrift ; but conftantly ad- fenlabie of the Sin and Shame. bewailed ir, here to it. that lie that is impenitent in this maybe cut off 17. For this caufe have I lent unto from your Society. you Timotheus, who is my beloved 3. For I verily as abfent in body, fon, and faithful in the Lord, who but prefentin fpirit, have judged al- fhall bring you into remembrance of ready, as though i were prefent, con- my ways which be in Chrift, as I cerning him that bath fo done 'this teach every where in every Church. deed; 4. In the naine of our Lord 17. And till I can come my (elf, I havefent Jefus Chrift, when ye are gathered Timothy, who is my Son and' faithful, who to ether and my fpirit, with the knowerh my a and Pralicre in the power of Lord efus Chrift, things ofChrift, and will faithfully remember l J s , 5. you of them. To deliver fuch an one unto Satan 18. Now fome are puffed up as for the deftruïion of the flee, that though I would not come to you. the fpirit may be faved in the day of ts. Some envious teachersvaunt as ifI durst the Lord ,Jefus. not come to you, and hand before them. :, 4, S For thoughI be abfent in Body, yet Peefent