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Ch. 5. The Inreefuous Person. I. Corinthians. OfFornicators. Ch. s. $relent in Spirit, I'have, by the Power given not to company with fornicators. me by Chrilt, determined already, when you I... Yet not altogether with the for- are atfemblecd, and my Spirit with you, to ae- niCatOYS Of this world, or with the liver this Man to Satan, by cafting him out of the Church, and leaving- him to God's Esecuti- covetous ; or extortioners, or with over, to iotna deftnt&ive Punimment on his idolaters ; for then muff ye needs go Body, to bring him to Repentance for the fa- out oftheWorld. viogof his Soul Not,, r. That Pnost himself was the Judge this or to. I did Come other ) rte avoid Familiarity in 2.,Yct he would do is whentheywere affembled, P y for Order; to thew them what theymould have with Fornicators, Covetous, Extortioners, Ido- Men prel.That t for in a lnet m hot ten e of this Sï , andmame the Sinner, by a Lay-Court, or a Conliftoiy of the Pallors of fhunnirig his Company, when it is urineceffary, other Affemblies, who knew not the Man, and it isin your power Co to do: But I meant not had any IpecialOvcr-fight of him. ç. That not thatyou mo -. Id have no Company or Con- Satan is God's Executioner on the Bodies even verse at all with any that are loch ; for you of Chriftians, fpecially of Sins to Death. Tite live among Unbelievers, and cannot go out of Church havingthenno Chi iltianMagiftrates,wa, the Word. Put toappeal to God, to puns@ Capital Crimes I I. But now I have written unto roiraculoufly. 5. That yet this is to Cave the -you, not to keep company, if any Sinner byRepentance, as well as to be a War- man that is called a brother be a for- ming to others. nicator, or covetous, or an idolater, 6. Your glorying is not good or a railer or a drunkard, or an Know ye not that a little leaven lea- veneth the whole lump 2 extortioner; with fucli an one no B. You do notwell to bear up Inch a Man in not to eat. Isis Sin, and to make light of it-: The Whole t t. But my Meaning and your Duty is, Church, fò fir as it's guilty of Each a Couni- That you faun all Company whichmay lignifie tiug or Contrer, is thus defiled with Guilt, owning or Brotherly Familiarity with any cal- and may be tempted to the like fin. bd Chriftians, who are filch tcand-alous Sinners, 7. Purge out therefore the old that theChurch and Religion may notbethought to favour them, and that Shame may humble leaven, that ye may be a new lump, them. And though it belong not ro every as ye areunleavened. For evenChrilf Chrdtlan, but the Church, to call loch out of our paffover is sacrificed for us. Publick Societies, nor to feparate from the 7. As the yews when they kept the PalTo Church becaufè such are there ; yet as the ter were to raft all Leavened Bread out of Church ought to purge out filch, fo every pri- theirHoules, fo we afremble to coasmemo,ate vate Man Ihould avoid that Familiarity which the Sacrifice of Christ our Pafchal Lamb. Purge is in their power, even that which lyeth lia out ofyour Af taniblies the old Leavenof Scan- Friendly Eating, er the like. datons Sins, that you . may apptbre your fèlves 12. For what have I todo to judge a Society acceptable to GA throt gh Christ. them alto that are without ? do not Note. i. That, as Dr. Hammond observes out of C5 ;r7ffto+n and TF..eutaves, there was a Tra- dition, that this Offender wasá Bimóp. 2. And I 2. For we are not authorifed ro call there the A(kntbly was to purge the Church of without the Church beforeus, to try and judge fouls a ane,whoeverhe was, by fosfaking him. their Cafes, who fever febmitced to our Au- thority, and are not a Scandal to the Chrifhan 8. Therefore let us keep the team, profeilion. It is them that have confented to Hot with obi leaven, neither with the our Power and Discipline, that you judge. leaven of malice and wickednefs;hut 3, But them that are without, With aleunleavened bread of finceri- God judgeth. Therefore put away ty and truth. from among your feives that wicked e. Therefore let our Chriftian Afï'embiies he kept as holy Feasts before God, not with purfoï7. oh:> vices of our out Natural- or Heathen State, 13. Thole that are without the Church vista the odiosi' Leaven of Naughtinels and we tnuft leave ro the Judgment ofGod ; they `tÑ:iJtae is t{'s; but with the Unleavened Bread are not under. our Government But that wick- al i s iry, Sincerity and Truth. ed Perlon who is as one ofyou, disown, and . I wiot unto you in an epti le, putt alv2y from yourr common. CIïAPo