Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 6. Of gang I. Corinthians. to. Law. Ch. 6. 7. Now therefore there is utterly ' a fault among you, becaufe ye go to law one with anotner:why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather fuller your flues to be defrau- ded ? 7. Why have you notlearnt ofChrift to put up Injuries, and let go your Right, rather than violate the Lawsof Love and Peace? It is your Sin to be uncharitable, and contentious lechersof your own Right. Is patience, and Forbearing, and forgiving a ftrange thing to you? Is it not your certain Duty ? 8. Nay, you do.wrong anddefraud' and thatyour brethren. 8. Nay, you that are bound to forgive Wrongs, do wrongothers, evenyour Chriftian Brethren, g.. Know ye not that theunrighte- ous !hall not inherit the Kingdom of God ? Be not deceived : neither for- nicators, nor idolators, nor adulte- rers, nor effeminate, nor abufers of themfelves; with mankind, se. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunk.. ards, nor . revilers, nor extortioners, !hall inherit the Kingdom of God. 9, o. Think not you can be faxed either by the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, or by a deadBelief. or Profeffron of Chriftianity, without a Perfo- nal Righteoufbefs; confiftiug in lancers Obedi- ence to God: and you are not fuch, if you live in fach Sins as thee here named. Let no De- ceivets perfuade you otherwife: You may; by negle& ofDifcipline, be in the Church lifible; but you are, while fach, uncapableofSalvation t t. And filch were fome of you but ye are waffled, but ye are fanEti- . Eiders among you whoin you will truth, chufe fled, 'but ye are Jultitìed in thename the weakeft ; for the lowe[t of you should be Y. CHAP. VI. ARE any of you, having a matter againft another, `go to law before the unjuft,.and not be- fore the faints ? c. Another Scandal I hear of among you, is, That you go to Lawagainft one anotherbe- fore HeathenJudges, when you might decide your Differences among your felves. How dare you do this, when Heathens are unjuft, and will deride you ?' 2. Do yenot know that the Saints fhall judge the world ? and if the world íhail be judgedby you, are ye unworthy to judge the fmaileft mat- ters ? 2.. Know ye not that Chrift will commit that Honour to his Saints, with him to judge the World of the Ungodly? And you lhould be all Saints your Rives? And if the World (hall be judged by you, are you not meet to decide your own little differences ? 3: Know yenot that we fhall judge angels ? howmuch more things that pertain to this life ? 3. And as Chrift is the Judgeof the Evil Angels, we than be honoured to joyn with him in that Judgment alto, when all hisEne- mies !hall be put under his Feet and ours. How much more are we meet to decide thefe Worldly Strifes? 4. If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, fet them to judge whoare leaft efteemed in the church. 4. If then it be a thing belonging to you, though yóu areno Magiftrates, to arbitrate your own Differences, ifyou have no Wife Men and oftheLord Jefus, andby the Spirit of titter than unjuft Heathens. our God. I r. Though tome of you were fuch in your g. I fpeak toyour Shame. Is it fo, Heathen Stare, you haveliince been baptizedun. that there is nota wife man amongft to Chritt and the Holy Spirit, and renouncing you ? no not one that !hall be able to thefe Sins, have been Sacramentally walked front judge bel tveen hi brethren them, and dedicated as holy ro God, and nam- t I fpeak Ironically, to your flame Are you bred with the Juft;and if you are lincere Belie. the Men that boaft ofWifdom? and is there vets, you are flak indeed, as well as Sacra- nor one Man among you wife enough to'ud mentally, by the Merits of Chrift and the Spi. of the Differences ofChri{}ians ? g I 8 riis Sanffitication. 6. But brother goeth to law with 12. All things are lawful untome brother and that before theunbelie- but all things are not expedient : all vets. things are lawful for me, but I will 6. But you mutt take the contentious and not be'brrought under the power of chargeable way ofPublick Judicatures, and that any. before. infidels, 4hg erg enjuft, and ydil deride áa, As to lout that fay, That there is no' yeu? Law