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Ch. 6. Several Vices I Corinthians. to befhyan'd. Ch. 6. Law againft the pleafing of our Appetites, or r 7. But thofe that by a true Faith are joyned finale Fornication, they takenotice onlyofPo. to Chrift, are quickned and a&ted inholinefs by litical Laws, with Humane Executions. Icon- the very Spirit of Clrriß, and fo are one Spirit fefs, thatMofes's Law, as fuch, being Political, with him, by a Union which deftroyeth not left force Exceffes and Fornications, as Polyga- their perfonal individuation, nor maketh than my, d7c. unpunilised, or but lightly punished; Chrift, but maketh them morebleßèdly one and theRaman Lawsne1e& h5 andMofeis with him than we can now comprehend: Law, as fuch, is abrogated, and fo I am under (Even Plantslive by the Sun-beams,andyet are no Political Law which punifheth thefe: But I not the Sun). am a Servant of Clara, whofe Law of Grace IS. Flee fornication. Every fin forbiddeth all things that are inexpedient, and Y contrary tothe Purity andHopes ofChriftianity, that a mandoeth, is withoutthe bo- or to the Law of Love. And ifyou plead dy : but he that committeth fornicati- Chriftîan Liberty, I anfwer, a. As to Meats, on, finneth againft his own body. and other things indifferent, though they are IS. Hate and avoid Fornicationalfo on thi; in themfelves lawful yet it is not indifferent, account : Moftother fins in their outward af,}s, how we ufe them, whether we do hurt or not, are but theabufe of things without you (asyour when they are inexpedient and hurtful. 2. And Money, Lands, Houfes, Friends, Enemies, I will not be foenIIaved to my flefhly appetite, Power, 6-v..) But Fornication is the abulive pol- es toobey it to my own orothers hurt. : luting and debafing your own Bodies. 13 Meats for the belly, and the 19. What, know ye not that your belly for meats : but God (hall de- body is the temple of the holy Ghoft itroy both it and them. Now the wbzch is in you, which ye have of body it not for fornication but for the God; Lord '> and the Lord for the body. r9 when God giveth his Spirit to Believers r 3. And I farther anfwer, That you do to fan&ifip them to himfelf, he thereby maketh ill to joys Fornicationwith thingsIndiffcrenr : them as Temples, Holy, for his holy Spirit to Meats indeed are to feed Flefh and Appetite, dwell in and aáuate. and the Belly and Appetite are for then; but 20. And ye are not your own ? both muff be ufed as perifhing things; but 21. For ye are bought with a price: our Bodies are not made for Fornication, but therefore lorifie God in your body, ferve the Lord, who alto will take care of $ Y , them as his Redeemed. and in your fpirit, which areGod's. 14. And God bath both railed up ZO 2t. And feeing you are not at all your the Lord, and will alto raise u p us b own, you may not do with your bodies what Y you lift: GodisyourabfoluteOwner, (not only his own power. by-the right of Creation and l'refervation, but) 54. And accordingly, God that railed up the but by thatof Redemption, by the price of the Body of Chrift, will alfo raifeus by his Power. Blood and Merits of Chrift : Therefore you rob and wrong him (rho' you cannot hurt him) 15. Know ye not, ,that your bo- ifyou alienate his own, and glorifie not that dies are the members of Chrift, fhall God whole yee wholly are, by ese faithful I then take the members of Chrift, ove andService ofSoul and Body which are and make them the members of an his. (And to be thus his, is your Honour, Safe- harlot? God forbid. cy, and FelicityJ r y, It is fo far from being lawful, that it hath this odious aggravation, to make thofe Bodies she. united Members ofan Harlot, which are united and related to Chrift as his Mem- bers, that is, of the holy Society ofwhich he 1. OW concerning the things is the Head. whereof ye wrote untome: O. What, know ye not that he it is good for a man not to touch a which is joyned to an harlot? is one woman. body ? for two (faith he) (hall be - t. As to the Quefion about Marriage, of one fefi. which you wrote, I fay, that if a Man have 16. Fornication is a fore of Union with a no kind of intrinlck or extrinfick Reafon to Harlot; for to Generation they are as ore make ie heft for him, it is for a Man's own ScIa. cafe and quietnefs in the World to live fingle, and fafeft to avoid Temptations, to keep at 17. But he that is joynedunto the fiadlicient diltance from Women, efpecialiy to a- Lord is one fpirit. CHAP. VII.