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Ch. 7. Flee Fornication. I. Corinthians. Of Marriage. Ch. 7. void all tempting and immodeft Touches, or ed and Widows, It is good for them Familiarity. if they abide even as I. 2. Nererthelefs, to avoid fornica- , s. It is moil for their own eafe, and liberty, tion, let every man have his own and quiet, if they can, to abide fingleas I do.' Wife, and letevery woman have her 9 But if they cannot Contain, let own husband. themmarry: for it isbetter to marry 2. But the State of Man on Earth is fuch, then to burn. that Men cannot always do that which is molt 9. But if they cannot, let them ufe Marriage for their ownquietnefs and eafe. Some have as God's appointed Remedy for fuch ; which fo(}tong Luft, that Marriage is neceffary to is better than lìnful Lull. them, to avoid Fornication : And to thofe that io. And unto the married COm- need it, it is God's Ordinance for the Propa- gatjon of Mankind on Earth. mand, yet not I, but the Lord, Let 3. Let the husband render unto not the wife depart from her hus- band: the wife due benevolence : and like- wife alib the wife unto the husband. a Sin But it to depaart when married : Herein I lay 3. And let Husband and Wife perform to God's Command uponyou, and offer it not to each other all the Dutits of Marriage which your Choice, as a thing indifferent. they promifed. I I. But and if the depart, let her - 4. The wife hath not power of remain unmarried, or be reconciled her own body, but the husband : and to her husband : and let not the hus- likewife allo the husband bath not band put p away his wife. power ofhis own body, but thewife. 4. By the Marriage-Covenant, you have gi- t r. But to many upon departure, is a double weneach other power ofyour Bodies, for regu- oit If any intolerable Abufe, or Paffron pro- jar Congrefs. yoke her to depart, let her remainunmarried, and be reconciled to her Husband: And fo let 5. Defraudyou not one the other, not the Husband put ,away his Wife. except it be with content for a time, 12. But to the reft (peak I, not that you may give your felves to fa- the Lord, Ifany brother hath a wife ring and prayer; and come toge- that believeth Iíó`, and the be pleat: ther again, that Satan tempt you not ed to dwell with him, lit him not for your incontinency. put her away. 13. And the woman t. To deny this to each other, is Injury and which bathan husband that believeth Fraud : except when ye are called to Humb- not, and if he be leafed to dwell ling, Farting, and Prayer ; and then you should p to that fort of Abftinence: but after with her, let her not leavehim. life due Matrimonial Converfation, left your 12, 13, But as to the Cafe ofSeparation forbearance give Satan advantage to tempt you. from an Infidel (which Come may think neat&. F. But I (peak this by permiffton, rite Ifraefites Cafe in Cc,a, erc.) I bring and not of commandment. you not this al a flat command of Chrit, but But mitabe me not, as ifI hereby impofed as my bell Advice: Though you may let an Marriage on all Man as their Duty, though al- _Infidel go, and may live without him that lowed when neceffary, or gave this my Coon- will not flay with you, but is the Deferrer, in fel as a Law. enmity to your Religion ; yet I think it heft for you to do your bet, firí'e to make lush 7. For I would that all njen were willingto continue, nod, though it be to your even as I myfell: but everyman hash great trouble, to live with fuch : yet if they be his proper gift of God, oneafter this willing to flay, be not you the Deferters, no manner, and another after that. not for a time, nor omit due means to make 7. For I could with that all Men, for thi them willing; though Tome Itch will bd ty- er, ragnical and malicious Adverfaries. own advantage, had the Gift of Continence as 14. For the unbelieving husband is wellas 1 have: But God, who will have the World'.yet continued, lath not given it to all; Canfified by the wife, and the unbe- iut fame have one msaíure and fort of ;Gift, lieving wife is fan&ified by the hus- and come another. band: elle were your children un- 8. I fay therefore to the unmarri- clean; but now are they holy. c 04.Fá