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C:h. 7. Of Marriage, I. Corinthians. Of . Marriage, Cli. ' , 14. For though theCafe in Ezra may make 19. CirCrimcifion is nothing, and you doubt how it was with the *inn tes s yet uncircuincifion is nothing, but the to Chriftians, under the the Law ofGrace, your abode with an Infidel loth not make. your keeping of the commandments Of Conjugal State, or Converte, or Family to be God. unholy. The State and Inwereif of a Believer t t. To be olie that wasor that was not ell ntaketh yourRelation and Cohabitation holy, cumcifed, is no part of the Chriftian Religion ; as feparated to God for holy ufe, which the but to keep thofe Commandments which God Believer can improve, as all things ehè are fan- hart given us, either in the Lawof-Nature, or allied ro him, for the Service ofGod. Elfe by JefasChrift. Do God`s Work, and make your Children would be like thofe of the Intl. it not more than it is. dell, unclean, as not in the Covenant and 20. let every man abide in the Church of God: but now they are holy, and nunibred with his Peculiar People. For the fame calling wherein he wascalled. Ghriftiandevoteth to Godhimfelf, and all than 2.2, Pretend not Religion for breaking away is in his power and difpofe, which is accepted from the StateofRelation that the Gofpel found according to the Capacity and Ufe of that you in, without a Juft Difcharge, or cede of which is devoted , and this he cloth by God's Change. Command, and therefore with hisAcceptance; 21. Art thou called being a (er- as the Seed ache Faithful always were. vant ? care not for it; but if thou t 5. But if the unbelieving depart, mayefl be made free, ufe it rather. let him depart. A brother or a lifter 2t. If thou waft a Servant when thou *aft is not under bondag in fuck rafts: converted, be contented with thy Condition; but God hash calltd us to . eace for it's not contrary to thyDeliveranceby Chrift. P But ifthoumayft be fet free from a Servile Life, a t. But (to refolve yoïrr Doubt) I fay, if the on Law Terms, it's rather to be choten: (For Unbeliever depart, and will not be perfuaded it is not all change ofRelation, oroutwatdState, to flay, you are not bound to follow them whi- that Ì forbid). therevertheygo, Marriagewas made for mutual 22. For he that is called in the help, and youare not bound in fuch Cafes tobe enslaved by a Sinner's implacability and Defer- Lord, beinga fervant, is the Lord's tion. But ye omit nothing that tendeth to a free-man : likewil'e alto he that is peaceable Cohabitation: for God hash called as called being free, is Chrift's fervant. 411 to Peace. Sz. A ChriftianServant hash that fort ofFree 16. For+what knoweft thou, O dom which thrift bath purchafed: He is freed wife, whether thou (halt fave t/yhus- from Guilt, and the Curie, and the Slavery of band ? or how knownft thou, O man, Sin and Satan : And the Freeft ald Greateft whether, thou (halt lave tby wife ? that is a Chriftian, is devoted abfolutely to the a 6. And as the Relation and Marriage-Con- Service ofClttift. verfe is acidified to the Believer, fo you know 23.Ye are bought with aprice, be not but by loving and peaceable Behaviour the not ye the fervants ofmen. Unbeliever may be converted and faced. 23. And if you are free,make not your felves 17s But as God bath diftt ibuted to needlely the Servants of Men, efpecially of everyman, as the Lord bath called Infields; nor ferve any Mart before thrift, or every one, fo let himwalk: and againft him: For he hacia brought yet to behis ordain in all churches. servants, 17. But let none on pretence of Chriftianiry 24. Brethren, let everymanwhere- defett the Relation that God hash fee him MY in he is çaIIed, therein abide with but do hisDuty in the Place that God hat's God. dif nibuted and called him to : And this Order I appoint to an the Churches. t 13. Is any man calledbeing circum- died ? let him not become uncircum- tiCed : is anycalled in uncircurncifion ? let him not become circumcifed. a8. Think not that Chriftianityrequireth any needlefsChanges, toCircumcifion or Uncircum_ cilion, as to the external Ceremony: It is a Change from Sin to God which it regtùreth. 24. To conclude, Serve God in the Calling that Grace found you in, till he remove you. 24. Now concerning virgins, I have no commandment of the Lord : yet I give My judgment as one that bath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful. 25. As to your Qtreftion about Virginity, God bath made no Univerlál Law for it, or a- gainft it; and I pretend not to give you any fach