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Ctt..7. Of Marrirge. I. Corinthians. OfMarriage. Ch. 7. fuch. But it being a Cafeto be varioufly refol caretulnefs. He that is unmarried, ved according to Perlons various Conditions, I careth for the things that belong to fhall giveyou faithfully my Judgment how to the Lord, how he may pleafe the decide it feverally for yourfelves. Lord : 26. I fuppofe therefore, that this 32. Carefulnea aboui the World is to bid i is good for the prefent diftrefs, I fay, thing, that I would have you efcape it if you that it is goodfor a man fo to be. can. The unmarried hath lets Worldly Careto 26. Chrdtiansbeing now under Perfecution divert him from caring how to pleafe God, and co do good to others, Diftrefs, no doubt but it is much more for r's, and fecure his Soul. their cafe and quiet to be ftngle, than ro have 33, But he that ismarried, careth a Wife or Husband, and Children to care for, for the things that are of the world,- in Poverty or in Flight. how he may pleafe his wife. 27. Art thoubound unto a wife ? 33. But he that is married hash made him'', leek not to be loafed. Art thou loo- fell fo much more Duty, Temptation, and fed from a wife ? leeknot a wife. Trouble, as mull needs increate thofe Cares 27. If thou be bound, to Peek to be loofed is which will much divert his Thoughts and a Sin: But if thou art loafed, that thou leek Cares from the Pleafing ofGod : Particularly; not to be bound without neceffrry, is my Ad- the Care of pleating his Wife will take hini vice, up ; becaufe there is in all Perfotis much un- fisitablenefs, and difference inJudgment, Tent- 28. But and if thou marry, thou per, and Inclinations ; and in the weaker Sex haft not finned ; and if a virgin ufually much Paffion and Impatience, and diffi- nlarry, fhe bath net finned ; never- culty in bearing that which crofï'eth their thelefs, fuch fhall have trouble in the wins, fo that the his Skill, Man can hardly plead' Come, with all ; and Bandnefs, and flefh ; but I fpare you. Diligence, without violating his Duty toGod: 28. But ro marry, as Etch, is ro Sin: (Though it be a Sin to do it when there is 34: There is difference alto bet clear Beaton againft ir). But fish mull reckon tween a wife and a virgin: The una upon Trouble in the Fle(h. But though I for- married woman careth for the things warn you to prevent your Trouble, I would of the Lord, that the rosy be holy, not by urgency, be your Snare, both in body and in fpirit i brat the 29. But this I fay, brethren, the that is married, carethfit the things- time is fhort. It remaineth, that both of the world, how the may pleafehe they that have Wives, be as though husband, they had none ; 30. And they that 34, And the difference to great alto on the weep, as though they wept not ; and Womens parr, ( whole Weaknefs ritually can lea they that rejoyce, as though they bear Difficulties, Troubles; and Temptations.) rejoyced not; and they that buy, The unmarried is free from abundance of re though and eyt' I. And Troubles and Temptations, which would turn as g y p ; 3 away her Care frOm the things of God, and íd they that of this world, as not abu- flse is more free to keep dote to God, and to fing it t for the fafhion of this world keep both fpiritual and corporal Sanrity : But paffeth away. Ilse that is married mull needs care for worldly things, for Children, and Family, and fpeciaí 29, 30, 3r. But this none fhou`d foigat, that 1 y to pirate her Husband, (who this Life is fo fhort, and the Endofall to near po9bly may andCure, that there is little difference of há be unfuirable, and tyrannical, and hardly plea- ving a Wife or no Wife,weeping or not weep- fed without difplealìng God): And to live id ing, rejoycing or nor rejoycing, poflofïing and tnurualdifpleafure;howfadasid temptingaCoti- not pottering : And therefore you thöu.:l have dicton Will that be ? (Chritt tol i Martha hove fs,and had a choice it was to be cumbreci about mangy Wives, and weep; and rejoyce, and poile ufe this World as if you did it not, with fuels things, though lawful in cómparifan debt, an Indifferent)/ through the ferle of greater ing a free Aaeiìdaixe en the Better part./ things, as that you may not be overmuch of 3ç. And this I fpeäk for your owli feted with the getting, or enjoying, or iota of profit, not that I may cafe a fnare any traníitory thing : For all thole things are upon- you, butfor that which is comu in continual change, and the Fathinia of them lys and that you may attend tipon pafíeth . away 3 à . J w©bid hat e you without the Lord withotit diftraaionr 35 if any of yeti think that Ì wrong ÿsd; d $ bs