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Ch. 7. OfMarriage. I. Cor by debarring you from the Comforts ofMarri- age, let fuch know, that I (peak but compara- tively, and for your profit fell you, that many ignorantly rufh upon it, without confideration, and fo mifcarry by unexpetted'Troubles. I for- bid not Marriage, nor make a Law for you, to enfnare you ; but I would have you prudently to prefer the Condition which is beft for your feines, in which you may ferve God without díftra&ing Cares. 36. But if any man think that he behaveth himfelf uncomely toward his virgin, if the pals the flower of her age, and need fo require, let him do what he will, he finneth not: let them marry. 36 But in thefe things, about which there is no Common Law, Men should themfelves beft judge what is fuitable, convenient, and heft for themfelves. If therefore you find that Your Daughters have need, and that it willbe iuconveuient to them to pats the Flower of their Age, let them marry ; it is no fin in it felt, nor to filch as fo need it. 37. Neverthelels, he that ftand- eth ftedfaft in his heart, having no neceflity bcit hath power over his own will, and bath fo decreed inhis heart, that he will keep his virgin, doeth well. 38. So then he that giveth ber in marriage, doeth well: but he that. givethher not in marriage, doth better. -37, 35. But yet he that being urged by no inthians. OfMarriage. Ch 7, neceflity of his own or of his Daughter, hath fixed his Refòlution to preferve the Freedom of a Single Life, (not by Vows, which bind thofe whore Condition God may alter, and fo make Laws and Snares to themfelves, but) by well grounded Reafon fubmitting ro God, that can change their State ; this Man taketh the way to his Daughters greareft Peace and Ad- vantage. So then, he that giveth her in Mar- riage ; doth that which is in it felt good, and no fin: Bathe that giveth her not in Marriage, Both that which is ',better for her, if the have no rsecefdity. 39. The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth: but if her husband he dead, the is at liberty to be married to whom the will i onely in the Lord. 39. God's Law and Man's bind the Wife to her Husband during his Life : But if her Hus- band be dead, the may marry another; if no. thing in her Condition forbid it; but it muff be to a Believer, that is fit for her. 4o. But the is happier if we fo c- hide, after my judgment : and I think allo that I have the fpirit of God. go. rut as I am giving you no Common Law agtinft Marriage, or tor it, but direfing you how every one muay difcern what is bell for themfelves, my judgment is, That ordina- rily, whore there is neceffity, a Tingle Life is more for the Perfons peace and euietnefs, and freedom from Hindrances in rerving, God, and therefore better for them. ANNOTATIONS. Divers Erroats have rifen from the mifunderftandingof fome Pall'ages in this Chapter. I. Of them that make Pars[ to fpeak at uncertainty, without the Spirit of God, when they read, [bypermfliou, and not by ccramandment,I and [I, and not the Lard]: When as he only difclaimeth the giving them a Law instead of particular Dire&ion. II. The Errour of them that hence gather, That Godbath given us in Scripture Isis Counfcls, which are no Commands, and make not Duty, nor is'ir Sin to violate there, but a Work of Supererrogation to do them. Whereas the Apoftie only diftinguilieth of a proper Uuiverfal Law, and a con(èqueutial Obligation from other gene:al Laws. A Common Law is the Rule of Societies : Ifinch a Law had commandedor forbidden Marriage, it would be a Duty or a fin to all : But yet God's Low bindeth all to chufe that which molt tendeth to their own Good, and the efcape of Evil ; and to break this Law is Sits to him that doth it, though the fame thing he lawful to another. e.g. To marry againtt Parents Coufenr, to an unmeet Per- fon, without Neceflity, and oblige ones felt to inftrufl andmaintain a Family, when one is unable for it, and many filch Cafes, may make it a great Sin to marry. A Common Law, and a Perfonal Obligation refulting from another General Law, much differ. III. The Errour ofthem that fay, ByHolinefsof Children, var. 14. is meant either Legitima- tion only, or meer Baptifin; and not an Intereft according to their Capacity, in the Covenant pf Peculiarity, I have fo far confined in my Trearif iii set Baptáfi -o, that here I pats it by. IV. One excellent Divine bath hence taken oc afìou to fpeak fr mach a,gainft changing any 'Rude or Calling, as affrighteth tome fromLawful Changes, whichelo more good chap hurt. V. From