Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 9. Paul's defence I. Corinthians. againt accufers. Chap.9. Jefns thrift our Lord ? are -not you in hope; and that he that threfhetlt, my workin the Lord ? in hope, fhould be partaker of his I. It Teems frame among you objea againft hope. me, I. That I am no Apottle. 2. That I gee $, 9, 1o. Do I fpeak this as a Man pleading my Living by Tent- making. 3. That I am his own Intereft? Doth not God fay is in his none of chafe that knew Chrift. 4. That my Law, &e. And cloth God make Laws chiefly Knowledge is lower than theirs. To all which forthe good of Oxen, or for Men ? For Men, I fay, I. That Chrift made me an Apoitle by ons ofthe Fruit of theirown juß Labours. ßati- his Miffion, 2. That I may ufe my own Li- berty, either to live on the Church, or on my f I. Ifwe have fowls untoyou fpiri- r abour, as i3 molt for the furtherance of the tuai things, is it a great thing if we Gofpel. not have Chrift hat you ace the ¡hall reap your carnal things ? Fruit and Seal ofmy Miniftry, which therefore 1 t The Spiritual things which we fed is not to be queftioned byyou. with you, are fat greater than the Carnal things which we may reap: And if you maintain o- 2.IfI benot an apoftle untoOthers, tilers, you owe more to us, yet doubtlefsÍ am to you : for thefeat i 2 Ifothers be partakers of this of mine apofflefhip are ye in the power over you, are not we rather ? Lord. Neverthelefs, we have not ufed this 2. You, of all Men, fhould not quettion my power; but fuller all things, left we Apoftlelkip, who were converted by ir. fhould hinder thegofpel of Chrift. 3. Mine anfwer to them that do Ir.. Yet have I not claimed or taken that examine me, is this, 4. Havewe not which is my die, left it fhould hinder theSuc- power to eat and to drink ? 5. Have eel: of my Miniftry. we not power to lead about a lifter, a 03. Do ye not know that they wife as well as other apoftles, and as whichminifter about holy things, live the brethren of the Lord, and Ce- of the things of the temple? and they phas ? 6 Or I onely and Barnabas, which wait at thealtar, are partakers have notwe power toforbearworking? wit h the altar ? 1,4, 5, 6. And as to my Labour, I anfwer, 13. You know that the Levites and Priçfta That I ownmy Power to liveon the Church: liveon the Things that are offered in the Tem. And i that perfuade you to forbear the ufe of pie and at the Altar. your Liberty when it would do hurt, dogo be- 14. Even fo hath the Lord ordain- foreyoubymy own Example. t have right to ed, that they which preach the gof- be maintainedby my Hearers, and to put the fhould live ofthe Gofpel. Church to theCharge ofa Wife andFamily dth Pei, p me, as otherApoftles do. IandBernabas have 54. So is it the Lord's own Appointment power to forbear working forour Living. (who faid,Tne Letbcurer is marshy This hire)' that Who goeth a warfare any time they who are called to preach the Gofpel as a 7. ;tared Office, (and not only occafionally) fhould at his own charges? who Planteth a be maintainedin and for that Labour, and not vineyard, andeateth not (A the fruit be taken of by Cares and Worldly Labour. thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and s 5. But I have ufed none of theft eateth not of the flock ? things. Neither have I written thefe 7. Soldiers are paidby chore that ufe them ; things, that it fhould be fo done unto and the Husbandman and Shepard liveon the me: for it were better for me to dies Fruit of their Labour: and Co may I. then that any man fhould make my 8. Say I thefe things as a man? or for ina void. faith not the law the fame alto ? g 15ysiCU as I have not made ufe of this nay 9. For it is writtenin the lawofMofes, Due, fo I write not as expetking is : For I Thou ;halt not muzzle the mouth of value my Advantages for the Gofpel as my the ox that treadeth out the corn. Glory above my Right, and above my. Life. DothGod take care for oxen ? fo. Or i6. For thoughI preach the Gof fàith he it altoether for our fakes ? pet, I have nothing to gloryof: for for ourfakes, nob doubt, this is writ- neceffity is laid upon me : yea, wo is tens that he that ploweth thould;plow unto ins, if I preach not the Cofpel. C c * Far