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Ch.9.ThatMinifler3 ought I.Corinthians. to live by theGofpel.Ch.q. 16. For my bare Preachingwould have no- betty.) When I converse with the Gentilet that thing faogular, to Vindicate me front Caluinny, are not under the Law of Mofes, and have no or extraordinarily further the Succefs of my wrirtcn Law of God, as the yews have, but Labours : Even bad men preach, and I am un- only the Law ofNature, and Mens Laws, I fit der a Commandor Law of Chrift, which will my felf and Doctrine to their State and Capa- Fnnifh me ifI do not. city, to win them, not pleading the written I7. For if I do this thing willingly, Law with them, as I do with the yews: g b , (Though I am far from thinking or living. as I have a reward: but if againft my lawlefs; for I am under Chrifts own Govern- will, a difpenfatlonof the gofpel is Conn- ment and Law.) To the fcrupulous Ignorant 771itted untome. fort of Chriftians, and thofe that are yet unfetled, 17. For if my Preaching, and that without and liable to temptation, I behaved my felt Maintenancefrom you, bedone willingly, God with all winning Complianceand Pleafingnefs; Will reward me (who excepteth no unwilling knowing that Miff fìoguiarity, and affedced or Service): But if I preach but forfear of Punter unneceflàry CrofsneR to others, is not the way Ment, and take not Maintenancebecaufe Men to gain, but to alienate them. And though I will not give it, I do but a Task impofed on know that all will not be won by fuch Com- me, and forfeit my Reward fo far as I am un- rliance, yEt I ammade allthings lawful towards Willing: all Men, that by thismy duty I may favefome: 18. What is my reward then ? ve- 23. And this I do for the gofpel's rily that when I preach the gofpel, I fake, that I might be partaker there- May make the gofpel of Chrift with- of withyou. out charge, that I abufe not my 23. All this I do, not as a man -pleating power in the gofpel. Flatterer, for Latee or Repute; but to promote 18. What then is that Qualifications of mÿ the Ends ofthe Gofpel with you, that you and Service with God will fpecially reward ? Not I may rejoyce therein together. the meer Task ofPreaching 5 but that I fodo 24. Know ye not they which run it, as to devote all my own Rights and Intereft in a race, run all, but one receiveth to the great Endsof the Gofpel ; and whatever the prize ? So run that ye may ob- I lore or fuffer by it, take that courfe which tain. 'tendeth molt to promote the defirahte Suceefs. 19. For though I be free from all 24 As it is not every one that twined] that wins the Prize; fo it is not every one that Men, yet have I made my felffervant preacheth,. or profuffeth Chr ftianity,that is se- tinto all, that I might gain the more. cepted to Salvation. Therefore fit preach, and ao. I am no Man's Slave or Bond-man, to fo live, as anfinereth your Covenant and Pro- lervehimn againft my will : but I am a volun- fefïion, and as God hash promiied to accept tart' Servantto all Men, in charity to fave them, and reward. and in obedience to Chrift. 25. And every man that Ptriveth 20. And unto the Jews, I became for the maftery, is temperate in all as a Jew, that I might gain theJews; things: Now, they do it to obtain a to them that are under the Law, as corruptible crown, but we an incov under the law.; that I might gain ruptible. them that are under the law ; -21. To 2s EVen in Ludicrous Plays, Races, Conn, -them that are without law, as with- bates, ere. Men prepare their Bodies by AM óút law; (being not without law to ftmence and Criet Diet, and this but for a wi but but under the law to C11111í thering Garland, Applaufe, or Prize: And ' a ) ¡hall not we do much more for the Heavenly that I might gain them that are with- Glory ? out law. 22, To the weak became I 26. I therefore fo run, not as une as weak, that I might gain theweak : certainly ; fo fight I, not as one that I ammade all things to all men, that beateth the air ; I might-by all means fave Come. z6. I therefore dò not tun in Vain, as not 20, 21, 22, To the yews, and thole whole knowing for what, or as by Sloth to lofe the kducation and Confidences, keep them under Prize; nor fight I as Fencers, for meen Shew :,ilfofes's Law, I behaved my felt by all Lawful and Oftentation. Compliance and Conformity to that Law, that 27, lint I keep under mybody, and I might win them, (prefeiving the Truth of, left that h i4le Gofpel, and any owti and the la, :tiles Li, briCl 'it into fub;ettion : by any