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Annotations any means when 1 have preached to others, I my felfShould be a cáft-away. 27. But my firft. work is about my felf, to mortifie and fubdue all my Flefhly Defires, which (land agaínS my Duty, and to keep my Body in conftatat fùbjeelion, left when by Preaching I have won others, I Should as a car- nal Matt he loft and tait away my felt. (And if yuu are true to the Gofpel; and to on Chap g. your own Souls, and would not prove Pelf de= ceiving Hypocrites, take you the fante coatte, and devote all your Imcrefts to the Ends of your Profeffion, and the Paving of Souls, in- Bead of pleading for and ahufing your real of pretended Liberties to the tempting of others, and hindring their Salvation, and hoafting of this pernicious Folly, as the Knowledge where= in you excel others.) ANNOTATIONS. I. T HE Darkrefs of this Chapter tomes from the Uncertainty in Matter of Fa&, what was the Accufation that was made by ch.,: envious proud Teachers againít Passl : r. Whether it were that he laboured like a Secular Mau, and lined not on the Church. z. Or, That he was a poor Mechataick Fellow, that at halt muff be cart on their Charge or Charity. 3. Or, That he follicited them fer Contributions to the Poor at jerefalem, or for others; and they fug. gefted, that he partly meant himfelf. It were cafter to expound many Verfes, did we certainly know the Cafe obje&ed. II. They that fromver. ¡6, t 7, s S. gather a fcrt of Counfels which make no Duty or Sin, anda StateofPerfe&ion which is no Duty, utterly abufe the Text, which intimateth no (itch thing ; and are fuftciently before confuted, on Chap. 7. about the Cafeof Marriage. III. Though Paul'sbecoming all things to all men, condemn their Humour that in Converge, Congregations, Opinions, Prácrices, do proudly affeét unnecelfary Odnefs, that they may feern wifer and better than the tell, and juililie trsfiin's Refolution, to do as theChurch Both where- ever he cometh, in all lawful things, to win Mets by Approach, and trot to alienate them by Crofsnefs; yet it no way countenanceth them, who was Temporizers, Manpleafers, or for World- lyEnds,oran mdifferency inReligion, for want of lndgmeat,or resider Confciences atad true Obe- dience to God, will conform themlrlves to any Sin which Mens Laws or Cuftoms Mall make needful to their carnal Intereft. And yet in things antecedently Indifferent, Law and'Cuftoni may weigh clown lighter Motives that are on the other fide, but not weightier Motives. True Prudencehere mutt hold the Scales, and determine what is Duty, and what is Sin. a Oreover, brethren, I would not that he Mould be Igno- rant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all paffed through the lea; 2. And were all baptized untoMoles in the cloud, and in the fea; 3. And did all eat the fame fpiritual meat; 4. And did all drink the fame fpiritual drink: (For they drank of that fpiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Chri.ft). t,2,3,4. And becaufe your boaft of Know- ledge, and your Scandalous uncharitable abufe ofyour Liberty, and infulring therein, give me caufe to be Jealous of many among you, let me further remember you, That it is not your be- ing Baptized, and befog Partakers of outward Privileges, and being eminent in the Church, that Will fave yoti, ifyou live in Sin For all the rarlirtf palled through the Sea, and were um der the Cloud, and fó were typically baptized by Covenant to Mofeis Law; and they did all eat the Paflbver, which was Sacramentally Spi- ritual Meat, and typically as our Eucharift ; and they all drankofmiraculos Rock-wateroft in the Wikleimrfs, which Rock and Water were typi_ racily or fpiritual Chrift and Sacramental Blood. 5. But with many of themGod was not well pleated : for they were over thrown in the wildernefs. s. And yet with many, yea molt of them, God was fo offended by their Sin, that he over- threw them in the wildernefs. 6. Now tilde things were our ex- amples to the intent that we thould not luft after evil things, as they alto. Tufted. 6. Now thefe were admonifhing Types to us, and written to warn us, that we luft not after forbidden gratifying of the Flesh, as they did : (If they are accufedas tufting in the Wil- dernefs for Flea, 'when they had only Manna for forty years, whatexcefs ofLeft is it in them that take It fur their Liberty and Wifdom to ferve