Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. to. Divers things I. Corinthians. to be avoided. Ch. to. ferve their Pfd b andAppetite, to the fcandal fo make a way toefcape, that yemay ofndiera by their ill Example?) be able to bear it. y. Neither be ye idolaters, as were 13. There hath yet no tempting Trial befal- len you, but firth as Men inyour State ofRu. Iomeof them ; as it is written, The Suffer- people fate down to eat and drink, ingsthave ordinarily o jutifiationofanyfeltfarig and role up to play. Compliance with Idolaters: And you have nó y. And take warning by them. and do not enure to diftruft God for the time to come; for partake of Idol's Feafts, and make a fporC of he is faithful, and will noelet your Trials be in- ehatwhichGod is jealous in. . tolerable, but with theTrial will thewyou afafe 8. Neither let us commit forni- paffage out of it at loft, that by forefight of cation, as fame of them committed, thdat, and the brevity, you may be able ro un-- ergo and fell in one day three and twenty r4. Wherefore my dearly beloved, . ttr i?rfand. . I flee from idolatry. I fpeak as to e. And take warningby their Deftruáion, y 5 P Ram. 2£, t, 2, 3. to avoid Fornication, which wife men : judge ye what I fay. Gene of you make light of. t4, as. As youplead for Wifdom, Iwill fup. pole I (peakto MenofWifdom, who cart judge 9. Neither let us tempt Chrift, as ofReafoni and Ioffer theRcafon ofmy Exhot- loimeof them alto tempted, andwere tation to your wifeft judgment. eleftroyed of ferpents. 16. The cup of bleffmg which we P. And be warned by their Plagues, that biefs, is it not the communion of the yrux make not your Fleshly Lulls, and your im. blood of Chrift ? The bread which patience of Sum*ings, to be the Law and Mea- Lare of your Expe&atians from God, as if he we break, is it not the communion omit needs do what your Flefhwould havehim, of the body of Chrift i' and allow you todo what you defire. a6. Is not our Communionin the Lord'sSup- ro. Neither murmur ye, as fame per, 1n wine and Bread ß!effed, a common. Reception Sacramentallyof the Blood and the of them alto murmured, and werede- Body of Chrift ? Do we not join in a profef- troyed of the deftroyer. fed Reception ofthefe, communicated tous by to And let not the Life. ofSelfdenyal, and Chrift Sufferings irethe Flesh which Chrift calls you 17 For we being many are one ta, provoke you tomurmur and be impatient breaá and bad for weare ad under e the Croft, or weary of Chriftianity, left , one y yoube deftroyedby the Executioners of God's partakers of that one bread. t7. For we that are many Palmas, are one Church or Body ofChrift, by Covenant-union with him the Bread of Life,of whomwe all Sa- cramentally and profeffedly partake; As many Grains ofCorn make one Loaf, and manyMem- bers one Body. 18, Behold Ifrael after the fie% s, are not they which eat of the facri- fices partakers of the altar? ti. Do not they that eat of the Sacrifices of the yews, thereby profet Worship to the God they facrifice,eo ? 19. What fay Ithen? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in facrifice to idols is any thing ? 2o. But Ifay, that the things which the Gentiles facrifice, they facrifice to devils, and not to God : and I would not that ye fhould have fellowfhip with devils g, zo. And now do not we know as well as others, that an Idol or Image is nothing, Out Wood. Stone, Gold, en.) and that the Meat Juffice, as they wereby the Plague.. nr. Now all theft things happened unto them for enfamples: and they are writen for our admonition, upon whom theends ofthe world are come. re. The Hittoryof them, and their Sins and 1'nniihments are written for the ufe ofall fol- töwing Generations,, even forus that live inthe left Age of the World, towarn as toavoid the pke e2 Wherefore let him that think- etli he ftandeth, take heed left he fall. a . Therefore inftead of Self-conceited nefs and Self-confidence, let even thofe that think heft of themfelves for Wifdom and Stability, take heed left they Earl toSin and Mifery. 13. There bath no temptation ta- ken you, but fuch iscommon to man: butGod is faithful, whowill notPuffer you to be tempted above that Ye are able ; but will with the temptation al-