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Ch. to; Of the I. Corint Meat that is offered them is net in it Pelfat all changed fromwhat it was? But I fay that it is Devils that reduce the Heathensto this Idola- try, and Devils whom they thereby obey, and Devils whom they worship, as fuppo(ed Demi. gods, there reprefented; and confequentially, Devils withwhom they have this FederalCom- munion. And I would not have you Chrifti- ans to, be Subjects and Communicants with Devils. 21. Ye cannot drink the cupofthe Lord, and the cup of devils: ye can- not be partakers of the Lord's table, andof the tableofdevils. 21. Think not that you may do both: You cannot lawfully, acceptably,or effeáually, Sa- cramentallyand Federally, communicate in the Blood and BodyofChrif, or receive that fa- credCup atad Bread, and be made Membersof him and his Church, and alto communicate in the Federal Sacrifices tó Devils ; no, not with your Bodies, though you never fomuch defpife them in your Hearts. 22. Do we provoke the Lood to jealoufie? areweftronger then he? 22. Shall we provokeGodby that which in the Second Commandment, and often, he heth told us, he will be a jealous Avenger of ? Are we thongenough to overcome him, or to bear the Wrath of the Almighty? 23. All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edifie not. 23. As I am from under Hof,'s Law, and notbound by it, as fuch ; fo afro I know that all meats are in themfelves now dean, and lawful to me : But lawful things may be ufed contrary to the Will ofGod, the Ends ofChri- &ianity, and the Edificationofothers ; and the Law of Chrift forbiddeth us fo to ufe them, 24. Let no man feek his own : but every man another's wealth. 24. We are bound lay Chrift to love others as our (elves, and therefore not to prefer our own fmalt and bodily IntereßorSafety, before the Spiritual, greater Good of others ; nor to do only what we think be& for our (elves, but alto what is belt for others, (efpecially for the Church of Chrift). 25. Whatfoever is fold in the fham- bles, that eat, asking no queftion for confcience fake. 25. For the earth ir the Lord's, and the ruiners thereof; 2s. If itbe told in the Shambles, it is com- mon Food to you; your Confciences need not ask whether it be unclean, or whether it was Bret offered to any Idol. 26. God that is the Mans. Lord's Supper. Ch. (E. o. Lord of allthe Earth, hach allowed us all that is fit for Food. 27. If any of them that believe not, bid you to afeafi, and ye be dìí= poled togo; whatfoever is fet before you, eat, asking no queftion for con- fcience fake. 27. As it is not unlawful when invited,toge to a Feat to Unbelievers; fo, when you fee caufe to go, eat what is let before you, and queftion not theLawfulneu ofit your felvee. 28, But if any man fay unto you, This is offered in facrifice unto idols, eat not, for his fake that (hewed it, and for confcience fake. For theearth it the Lord's, and the fulnefs thereof. 28. But if any Man fay, This is part of the Meat that was in Idol- Sacrifice, eat not of ir, for his fake that told thee fo; left thou tempt him to venture on Idol-Sacrifices; and forCon- fcience -fake, that thou uncharitably {educe not his Confcience. God bath allowed thee law- ful Meats enough; thou needeft not eat to o- thers hurt. 29. Confcience I fay, not thine own, but of the others : for why is my liberty judged of another man's confcience ? 29. When I fay Confcience, I mean that you wrong not anothers Confcience,I mean not that this Meat is unlawful to you, hadyou not been told it was offered to Idols, or had eaten it pri- vately, where no onewas hurt by it : For ano- ther Man's Confcience is not my Guide, nor makes Lawful Food Unlawful to me. But Un- charitablenefs,and Hurtfulnefs to others,(as well as Corporal Idolatry) I mutt make Confcience to avoid my Pelf, as againfthe great Commands ofChri&. 3o. For, if I by grace be a par- taker, why am I evil fpoken of for that for which I give thanks ? 30. For if I neither Teem to worship the I- dol my felf,nor hurt another, but with Thankf- giving eat what's let beforeme at a Common Featt, though another expeit that I fhould enquire whether it was not an Idol's Sacrifice, I fin nor, nor ought he to (peak evil of me as a Sinner. 3.1. Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatfoever ye do, do all to the glory.of God. 3r. Therefore, as in all that you do, fo in there things, where God bath made no particu- lar, common, determining Law, the Intere& of our great End, the Glory ofGod, mutt beour common and moth obliging Law : Neither eat, nor drink, nor do any thing againtt the Glory