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th. To. Ofgiving' offence. I. Corinth. OfcoverinP Heads. Ch. it; Glory of God, and your Religion, and the and the head of the woman, is the Goodof others, in which God is glorified. Yea, man ; and the head of Chrift, is God. do nothing but what, as fome means, hath its q And now to your Cafe about Church- tendency to his Glory ; nothing that is either Order, I firft remember you, that thedue Sub huttfulor vain. ordinationof perlons muft be kept : Chrift is 32. Give none offence, neither to the Head of ail Men, high and low ; and the the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor Man is the Head of the Woman, who there- to the Church of God : fore muff Slew SubjeEtion ; and God is the 3z, Avoid all unneceflary things, which will Head of Chrift, as Man and Mediator. be a [tumbling or hurtful Temptation, toYews 4. Every man praying or prophe- or Heathens, or the Church of God, or any tying, having in his head covered, di- Members of it. (So dangeroufly are abundance of Religious (honoureth his head. l?erfons miftaken, that temple not offending or 4 It being the Custom then to cover the hardening the ungodly by roarContempt, and Faces of thcfe that were put toany great Tame,. cauCelefs Singularity, and that take difpleafìng a Man that Shall vail hisHead and Face, cloth miftaken Centurions Chriftians to be the Of- thereby take Reproach untohimfelf. fence here meant, when pleafing them by Ice- g. But every woman that prayeth, tiring own tion) is (as did, Gal.z. or prophefietn with her head unco- by his Separation) is a ufual hurtful wayof Iczn- dalizing them.) vered, diihonoureth her head : for 3 ;. Even as I pleale all men in all that is even all one as if (he were things, not f eking mine own profit íhaven but theprofit of many, that theymay s. But for a Woman to be uncovered in the be laved. Aßämbly at publick Worfhip, Prayer, or Pro- 33. Imitate me in this, who in thingswhich phefying, is a difhoaour to her, as contrary to' g the fign of Subje&ion which is her Duty. God hath left undetermined to my power, do Nate, That the Woman is Paid to Pray or chufe that part which pleaferh other Men, fo far Prophefie, thatjoyneth with the Church there- as is for their profit, and do not humour or in. pleafemy own felt-will, for anycarnal Interelt As Custom maketh it a Shame to her to be ofmy own, but do that which tendeth to the Shaven; fo alto to beanvailed. goodof moft, even their Salvation. (Nate, That this was a changeable Custom, Note, O happyhad it been with the Chtiftian and is contrary now with us ) World, if the Bishops had beenof Paula mind, and had not chufen to Silence, banish, burn and 6. For if the woman be not cover-' murder thoufands of God's faithful Servants, ed, let her alto be thorn : but if it be for not humouring their Wills, and obeying a fhame for a woman to be (horn or unneceffary Canons, impaled byPapal Ufurpa- (haven, let her be covered. tïon. 6. The Cullom oflong Hair as a kind of CHAP. XI. Coveting, pleads alto for the Custom ofV ailirag. 7. For a man indeed ought notto E ve followers of me, even as I cover his head, for as much as he is alfo am or" Chrift. the image and glory of God ; but the i. In all this [elf-denial which I tell you I woman is the glory of the man. have. uled, I follow Chrift, whodenied his ve- 7. The Man's face is tiled well to be unco- ry Life for us. Therefore followme, as .I fol. voted, asbeing fait made in the Image ofGod . low Chrift. and fo a Beam ofhis Splendour : But the Wo- }rou, brethren, man made out of Man, is fubje& to him and 2. Now I praífe that you remember me in all things, his For the man-is not of the wo- and keep the Ordinances as Ideliver man : but the woman of theman. them to you. g. For at the Creation, the Man was firft 2. It is your Phalle, (as well as your Duty mode, and the Womanwas made out of the and Safety) that you remember what Do`trine Man. and Orders we Apoftles of Chrift at firft deli- 9 Neither was the man created vered to you, and keep that which then we. for the Woman : but the woman for taught you. 3. But I would have you know, the man. that the head ofevery man is Chilli ; g. Anil