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Ch. I I. Women: Meads covered. 'Corinth. Mens tncovered. Ch.t t g. And fo Godmade the Woman after, to greater a matter of Much things than the nature be a Meet Help for the Man ; and not the wo- of them requireth, let this Anfwer fuffrce to re man firft, and then the Man, as a Helper to folve lober Minds : The Cullom of all. the her: (Though they mutt now be mutual Hei- Churches is againft Womens beinguncovered, pets) as an unfeemly thing ; and you fsould not Ball-. so. For this carafe ou ht the wo- ly be different from all the Churches, in a g Matter which depends on the Signification of man to have power on ber head, be- an Ad ion, which Ufe and common Opinion caufe of the angels. mutt interpret. We that muff be as comm.- ho. Therefore the Woman ought to be vai- dant as we can,muft not affe& diffrmilitude. lcd, to lignifie her fubje&ion to the Power of 17 Now in this that I.declareun- Man, yea, and efpecially het Reverenceto the t0 0 I Tdife opt not, that you come Miniters of God, (and perhaps of the Angels together, )'Ou, I P 9 Y that areSpeftators of the Church Affembliest not for the Getter, but for Dofirinallyboth are true ; though which is the worfe. heremeant, cannotbeproved.) 07. But aboutyour Church-AfiembliesI have 1I. a greater matter, of which t mutt blameyou a Neverthelefs, neither is the man without the woman, neither the that you come together for holy Communion, woman without the man in the Lord. not as you ought, burin fufulfort. r i. Yet Men have noBeing but by Women, 18. For firi} of all, when ye come nor without Men doWomenexiftorpropagate ; togetherin the church, I hear that and this by the Ordinationof the Lord. there be diviftons among you i and I 12. For as the woman is of the partly believe it. man, even fo is the man alto by the 1$ ForfirR, when you come together in oneChurch, to profefs Union and Communion, woman but all things of God. as Members of one Body in holy Love, I hear n 2. For as at the firftCreation, theWoman was taken out of the Man, Coin Generation the credibly, that youeven there Phew your Diviii- e of diffenting Minds, and Parties, Man is of theWoman,and all thingsare ofGod , aacsnd , Praanftdicears. r 3. judge in your felves : is it 19. For there mufr be alto here comely that a woman pray unto God fies among you, that they which are uncovered ? approved, may be made manifeft a- 13. The lignification of being uncovered, moog you. being by Cullom a Note of Superiority, judge y For God will permit Heretics; or Setts in your felveswhether fachbe decentfor a Wo- man at the Churches Prayers. and Dwifrons, to raife among you, to tryyou, that it may be leen who are found, well fet- 14. Doth not even nature it felf tied, approved Chriftians, (when the Chaff Ri teachyou, that if a man have long eth away.) hair, it is a shame untohim ? 2o. When ye cometogether there- 's. And when common Cuftom bath made fore into oneplace, this is not to eat the wearing of Hair at length the Note of the the Lord's nipper. 21. For in eat- FemaleSex, Both not Nature it felf tell you, pl that it is a Marne for a Man to be fo like a wo- ing every one takethbefore other, his man ? (when God forbiddeth us fo much as to own flipper : and one is hungry, and becloathed as Women, to confound the Sexes, another Is drunken. which mutt needs be viably diftinguiled) 20 2t. When youmeet inone place, as a Ij. But if the woman have long Church, toprofefsUnity inChriff, it is not hair, it is aglory to her : for her hair like theSupper of the Lord, which is a holy, is given her for her covering. Feaíl of Sacramental unity; whereall had the no. But Ufe tells us, that for Women to let fame.Food, and the fame Sacramental Body their Hair grow out at length, is a frgnification and Blood ofChcift : For you hilt bring to ofModefty, as a kind of Covering, and fo is Church every one his ownSupper for hi d decent to them. insteadof a Common Feaft of Love, and the Rich eat anddrink to the frill, and the Poor are 16. But if any man feem to becon- hungry. tentious, we have no fuch cuftom, 12. What, have ye not houles to neither the Churches of God. eat and to drink in ? or defpire ye the 16. ìmt if any will contentioutly difpute a- Churn of God, and (hame them that gainft what I fay, ;though .I would make no have not? What !hail I fay to you ? 'than