Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. r r. Ofpro'phaning L Corinth. the Lord's Supper. Ch. r t, ¡hall I praife you in this? I praifeyou Being of Chtift for our Sins, till he come in. not. Glory. .2. If you mull differ according to your 27. Wherefore, whofoever ¡hall Riches, do itin your ownHoufes, and pretend eat this bread, and drink this cup of not a holy Love-Peat} in fuch Difparities ; and. the Lord unworthily, !hall be guilty atufe not Church-Affemblies and Feafts, of the body and blood of theLord. byyour Fum ets, and unchyihable Propriety; and flame not the Poor, that Mould be Feaft- 27. And it being fo (acted an Tnítitntion; edwith you. This is aPraecice worthy to be For fo high a Ufe, whoever Mall profane it, and blamed in you. ufe it but as common Food, or contrary to the Fnds of it, which is the frgnification of 23. For I have received of the God's Love to us by the Sacrifice of Chrift for Lord, that which I alCo delivered un- our Sins, and our Signification and Cove- t° you, That theLord Jefus, thefarae nantof Love and Union with himand one a- night in which he was betrayed, took notier, he partaketh in Guilt with them that bread : 24. And when he had given el -ire and crucifie him. blanks, he brakeir, and Paid, Take, 28. Bullet a man examine himfelf, eat; this is my body, which is broken and Co let himeat of that bread, and for you this do in remembrance of drink of that cup. 28. But let Men try and examine them- Vie' fclves, whether their Hearts and Pra'ice do 23, 24. For I have not taughtyouof my anfwer the neceffáry Ends of this holy Inititu- bwn invention the Doetrine of the Sacrament, don, [coming to it as reverentPartakers of the but I received it from ChriP (partlyby them Sacramental orRepretentative Sacrificed Bo- that wereprefenc, and partly by his infpirati- dy and Blood of Chrift, in the penitentand em,) towit, that the fame night in whichhe believing fence oftheir Sin, and need of a Sa- Was, &C viour, and ofhis pardoning andhealingGrace: Node, T. it was Bread that he took, it was trufting the Hopes of their Salvation on him, Breadwhich he brake, after thankfgiving or and fincerely renewing their Self-dedication Beneddtion, it was Bread which hegavechem. to hint, and Covenant of New Obedience to 2. Yet ir was hisBody whichhe gave them, hint, in Love and Unity with hisChurch, even Sacramentally and Relatively : As the faine all Gncere Believers,) and fo let them comfor. thing which is materially Goldand Silver, may tably hereincommunicate. formallybe the King'sCoyn, and CurrantMo- 29. For he that eateth and drin- uey, or abadge ofHonour, or the King's I- tnage, be. keth unworthily, eateth and drinketh 3. That Chrift gave it them together plu- damnation to himfelf, not difcerning rally, andbid them take it as perfonal apply- the Lord'sbody. ers, each tohimfelf. 29. For he that eateth and drinketh other. Tha¢ it is h :s Will and Inftitution that this wife than thus, that is, profanely, and not to itfe ilouldbecontinued tothe Church, incorn- the Ends of the Inititution, Both but draw rüemorationofhis facrificed Bodyand Blood. Judgment on himfelfinfteadof Grace. 25. After the fame manner alto he took the cup, when he flipped, fay- ing, This cup is the new teftament in my blood : this do yeas oft as ye drink it in remembranceof me. 25. So alto he took the Cup after Supper, !'lying, the Wine in this Cup is by Sacra- Mental fignifìcation, my Blood,as it purchafeth (as a Sacrifice) and fealeth the New Covenant or Statute : Ufe it thus fieguently in your holy Communion, in remembrance of my Blood IIled. 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cùp, ye do thew the Lord's death till hecome. aó:For by the frequent ufeof this Bread and Çup, year: toreprefent and declare the Saeei- 3o. For this caufe many are weak and fickly among you, and many fleep. 3o. For this very Sin of Profaning theholy Ordinance, Godbath inBidtedon many of you Weakncfs and Sicknefi, and Death on fame. (For God ufeth Paternal Caftigation, Jultice, and Punilhmenrs evenon his Family.) 31. For if we would judge our felvesi we lhould not be judged. 31. And if we would examine and judge our (elves, and fo come to this Feaft as true penitent Believers, with a right intent, and holy Reverence, we ihou':d efcape fuch Gatti= gatory Penalties, and the Judgment ofGod. 32. but when we are judged, we are chafìened .cif the Lord, that we Rl®uld