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Annotations íhould not be condemned with the world. 3 z. But there Judgmentsof God on his Fa- mily are not by deftruáive Revenge, but 1 - therly Chaftifements, to bring us to Repent- ance, that we may not be condemned with the unholy World. 33. Wherefore mybrethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another. 33. Wherefore, as Brethren, do all in that impartial Unity and Love, as anfwereth your on Chap. t 1. Profeffion and Chrift's Inftitutiòn; and not la SelWfhners, Divifion, or Prophanenefs. 34. And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the re& will I let in order when I come. 34. Let the hungry eat at home, and not dig order the fattedCommunion, and ufe it carrell, ly, or as a common Feaft, and that with uncha- ritable inequality; left your prophanation ofio holy a thing bring down God's Judgments on you. As for other Points of Church-Order, î will determine them when I come, ANNOTATIONS. a. A S to the Cullomof Menand Womens Covering and Hair, mentioned ver. 13, 14, r.It is certain, that the Significancy is the thing that mug decide the Cafe; and that as Wards, fo rhisAaion is an arbitrary Sign, and depends on the Cuftom and Opinion of the Country as the Expofitor : And that with us, whereMens being uncovered fagnilieth Reverence andSubmiffion tea Superiour, the Cafe quite differeth from that of the nrintbians. 2. And yet the Cuftom is fo common in moft Nations for Women to wear their Hair at fu$ length, and Men to cut it, that it teems there is fomewhat in Nature that tenders to this diffe. retire, (as there is in Kneelingand Profiration, to Phew Humiliation and Submiffion :) And ari confound the Difference of Sexesin Habits, is a great Sin, tending to Debauchery,,and ro hide unclean andBeaftly Converfation. And therefore though a Man may in filch things, of thenn. felves indifferent, do as the worft do in an undecent Fa!hion, to avoid Tome greater Evil, (at among Thieves, or Perfecutors to efcape unknown; as one may wear Womens Cloaths to efcape from unjuft Imprifonment, or Death:) yet lober godly heronsShould not without fuels necef$- ty imitate the Faisions, which are the Enfigns of Pride, Debauchery, or any Snful felf-diftias. guilhing fort of Men or Women. Apply this to our Cafe ofMens wearing great Periwigs, and that ofWomens Hair, who fell it for that ufe; and to the Fallonof Womens naked Breafts, and Gowns with long fuperlluous Trains, while the Poor want neceffaryCloatlaing, be. What would Paul have (aid, if any of there had been then the Cafe? IL It is a moft doleful Cafe, that Satan hath prevailed to turn this (acred Inftitution ofChrif}'s Supper into the matter ofbloody-Gentention with Come, andofuncomfortable diftrafting Scru- plesandFears withothers; when as Chrift ordained it tobe the fìrmBond ofconftant Love and Unity, and the great Comfort of the Soulsof penitent Believers. a. On one fide, by over-doing in the Dogmatical andCeremoniouspart, it is turned into the Mongers ofTranfubftantion, the Priefts Communion alone while the People look on, a half Sa crament without the Cup, a LatinMali not underflood,a Real Sacrifice offered forthe Dead, in- (head ofa Reprefenrative Commemorative Sacrifice; theAdoration of Bread as God, kippered to be no Bread, bet the Body ofGod indeed, be. And it's made an Engine to rack Mens Confciences, and tear the Church, by excommunicating all that dare not Conform to all the Dreifes which ufurping Domination hath painted this Sacrament withal: And the Blood of Chrift's faithful Servants is flied, for not following all there Opinions and antickCeremonies that the Sacrifice of Chrift's Bodyand plood is abufed by: So that, alas ! how many Churches are torn, and perfecute one another, for not ufingthis Sacrament of Love and Communion accord' ing to chofe Devices of Men, which Peter or Patti never used or approved ? Z. On the other fide, many godly Perlons, quite tnifunderítanding the Words ofPaul, about Iunweethy receiving], come with lush an excels ofReverence and Fear, left they eat and drink their own Damnation, thateither they feidom venture to Communicate,- (which the old Chrifti- ans did oftner than every Lord's Day) or ell they are more terrified far, than comforted : And. looking that God should fuddenly comfort them in the very A t ofReceiving, while they fight againft their own Comforts by Miftakes and unbelieving Fears, when they feel not their Ex- pettations anfwered, they are ready to defpair, as having received unworthily. And should theydo fo lay Prayer andHearing, whata Torment and Slavery would they make of Religi- on, by their Strout? S. And