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Ch. 12. Spiritmal Gifts I. Corinthians. eere divers. Ch, 12, 3. And yet the Ignorant and Ungodly, who truly receiveunworthily, can from the bare doing ofthe outward Atet, Real to themfelves that deceitful Comfort by which they are em. boldened to go on in Sin, fuppofing that now God pardoneth all. Thus Satan hath turned Chrilt's Scored Ordinance againff iimfelf, and the Peace of the Church, and the Comfort of tome, and the Reformation of others; and carrieth on theft moft horrid Depravations with fuch odious SuccefS, that without Wonders ofgracious Providence, there appeareth no probability of Deliverance from thefe heavy Efteits of Sacrament-diftration, z Ow concerningfpiritualgifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant, 2. Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto the( dumb idols, even as ye were led. 3, 2. As to your cafe cfdifèerningSpirits and Spiritual Gifts, it- is of great importance that you ;Mulct not be ignorant, left you mould take evil Spirits for the Spirit of God, or not diftinguifh the various gifts of God's own Spi, rit in Believers : In your Heathen flare you were carried away with Idol Oracles and Wor- lhip. 3. !Wherefore I give you to un- derhand, that no man (peaking by the Spirit of God,czlleth Jefüs accur- fed: and that no man can fay that Je- fus is the Lord, butby theholy Giroif, 3. Firlt, in general you may be lure, that none of skate Idol Oracles or Blafphemers that (peak againft Chrift, and Anathematize him, as Infidels do, t'o fpeak by the Spirit ofGod. (For God's Spirit bore uncontrolable witnefs to Chrìtt, by Prophetic, Refirre&ion, Miracles, and Holinefs). And on the contrary fide, he that believeth and confef itth that Jefus is the _lord, the trt,eSon of God and our Mediator, bath direly learnt this of the Holy Ghoff, his outward Teftimony in the aforefaid evidence and his inward- teaching. ( For do but timely believe the truth of Clari} himfelf, and the truthofall hisDottirine will undeniably follow.) 4. Now there are diverfities of gifts, but the fame Spirit. 5. And there are differences of adminiftrati- ons, but the fame Lord. ó, And there are diverfities of operations, but it is the fame God, which work- eth all in all. 4, 5, 6. And as Gifts are afcrilíed to the Holy Ghoft, and Adminiftration to the Son,and Operation to the Father Almighty: fo in all theft there is great diverfities, both of kinds and of degrees. 7. But the manifeftatie ì of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 7. But all the Giftsof the Spirit are given for the Churches edification, or to do good with. (Though Come of them are found in un- holy Men, who perilla in their fin.) . 8. For to one is given by the Spi- rit, the word of wifdom ; to another the word of knowledge by the fame Spirit a 8. The Came Spirit maketh one eminently wife and prudent in applying facred Truth to ;the Cafe of the Hearers; and lit giveth ano- ther aneminent knowledge of-facred Myfte- r ies. 9. To another faith by the fame Spirit; to another the gifts of heal- ing by the fame Siirit; 9. Another he maketh eminently thong in Faith, for extraordinary Eítèds; and another bath the Gift of miraculous Healingofthe Sick, (when the Spirit will have it done.) ica To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another difcerning of fpirits; to ano- ther divers kinds of tongues; to ano- ther the interpretation of tongues, o. To another, other forts of powerful Mi- racles, to another, to fpeak by immediate In- fpiration, either Predictions, or powerful Ex- plications and Applications of God's Word ; to another, a quick and Cure Difcerning whether Men pretending to the Spiritfpeak fromGod, of not; to another, the (peaking of divers Languages; to another, the Interpretation of chafe Languages to them that underftand them not. II. But all thele worketh that one and the felf fame Spirit, dividing to everyman feverallyas he will. Ir. And though there are verZ various and greatly dilference Man from Man, yet it is the fame Spirit that worketh them all, diverhfyiug as he freely and wifely pleafeth. 2. Fore