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Ch. 12. We are ,Members I. Corinthians. one ofanother. Ch, 12. For as the body is one and members, every one of them in the bath many members, and all the body, as it hath pleated him.19. Ant members of that one body, being if they were all one Member, where many, are one body: fo alto is Chrift. were the body ? 30. But now are sky, Iz. For hereOne and Many well confft: many members, yet but one body. As the Natural Body is but OneBody, but made ;8,1g, zo. But as the Wife Creator in Na of Many Members, differing in number, excel- tune, fo as our Redeemer, Governor, and Rer lency, and office; fo isChrist and his Church. generator by Grace, God bath cbofen great. 19. For by Spirit are we all diverfity ofMembers, as ,to Office and Gifts. 3 Y one P and he himfelf, as it pleafedhim, Inch fet them baptized into one body, whether we in his Church. (And who are they that pre- die Jews or Gentiles, whether we be fume again(t him, to cenfure or caft out the bond or free ; andhave been all made meaneft of fuch?) Were they all numerically, to drink into one Spirit. or in Office, or degree of Knowledge and Grace, but one, or equal. the Church woui4 43. For as Sacramentally all vifible Mem- not be fuch a thingas God hath made it. But bers are baptized into one Univerfal Church of nowGod, that freelydelighteth in the variety profeffed Chrißians, and drink the Cup of holy of his Works, bath made it one Body öf Union and Communion in the Lord's Supper; Carityt, compofed ofvarietyofMembers. fo all true, living, famed Members arebaptized by one Spirit into one Univerfal Church of 21. And the eye cannot fay unto true fpiritgal Chrittians, and drink the true the hand, I have no need of thee uniting Spirit of Communion. nor again, the head to the feet, I 14. For the body is not onemem- have no need of you. ber but many. 15. If the foot (hall et. As the principal Membersof the Body fay, Becaufe I am not the hand, I need the left principal; fo the Rulers, Palìors_ am not of the body; is it therefore and wifeft Members of the Church need even chore weak and infer:our Chrißians, whom fur- not of thebody ? 16. And ifthe ear iy cenütrers, and proud or contentious Warp, (ball fay, Becaufe I am not the eye, prs, will cal} out. 1 am not of the body; is it there- 22. Nay, much more thofe mem:. fore not of the body? x7- if the bers of the body which Teem .tp be whole body were an eye, where were more feeble, are neceffary. the hearing ? ifthe wholewerehear- 2 z. vet, the Parts which are lealI honou- ing, wherewere the finelling.? red, and feeble, have a peculiar neceffary Of? 54, /5.16, tg. The Body is not one Men- fice, which none of the rat is perform ber as to Number, Kind, or Office; but many pr fupply. United: And fo in Chrift's Body,the Church: If a miftaken Chiftian hind-elf Should fay, 23, And thofe members of theho- Becaufe I am low in place, grace of Gifts, I dy,which we think to be lefs honour- am none of the Church; this will net prove able, upon thefe we beftow more a- or make him .none: Much lets, if others by bundant honour, and our uncomely falle Cenfure or Church- tyranny, fayhe is none, have more abundant Gomel nefs_. or excommunicate him for diffenting from their vain Appendages or ,Opinions. If all .2-3. And .there Parts which we .account were of one Office, Stature Complexion, or Shameful, we molt carefully clothe and cover, degreeofGrace. or Knowledge,whowould be to hide either Deformity or Shame, (and.dp Rulers, and who Subjeiíts? whoTeachers, and not reproach, neglea, or call away). who Learners? How many.OfficesofPiety and Charity would he unperfotm'd ? God hath not 24. For our comely parts have p a Church on Earth, where all Members are fo need: but God hath" tempered the wife, as befrdes-the 'Elfentials of Chriftianity, body together, having given more to know all the Integrals; much left ro know abundant honour to that art which she numerous little Accidents of Forma and p Ceremonies, and all that is really and pretend- lacked:: 25. That there Mould be no edly Indifferentánd Lawful (which Domineer- fchifm in the body; but ,that the erscan invent) to be fo indeed, and Co to be all members lhould have the fame care united in.fuch, things indifferent. one for another, 18. Bl3t now bath God ;let the , ter comely Pates n eed .not ourcyrc .A4 cp