Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. I2. Of Charity. I. Corinthians. OfCharity. Ch. I 3. to adorn and cover them from Shame: But ers of Miracles? 3o. Have all the God path fo contempered the Parts, that we ifts of healing ?. do all (peal[ with Mould more care to focure from ditoncur the Parts that need our care: That Unity and Tongues ? do all interpret ? I. But Love of the whole (hound cacle fuch Love and covet earnefliy the belt gifts. Care for every Part, that the Parts fhould not 29 3o 3 t. None of all title Gifts or Of- envy, or ftrive againft, or cut off, or divide fivers are coturnos to all. But delire moil that from one another, is belt and moll edifying. A% -ore, t. O how clean contrary to this are te Ake, That even Avoftles are but chief tearing Casons and Cruelties that cut off all Members, and Peter himfelf not the Head, but Members that think any of their needlefs Imps- one of them. litions unlawful! a. And here Paul tells os the true Caufe of 31. And yet fhew I unto you a Schifmr Not Weaknefs of Chriftians, but the more excellent way. Butchery of that Clergy that cut oft theWeak, when they Should carefully hide their Mho- 3t. Vet true Chriltian Love excelleth all iroat in Love; and that revile diem whom there Gifts and Offices. they fhoúd loveas themfclves. 26. And whether one member Süa-er, all the members fuller with it : er one member be honoured, all the r members re,oyce with it. CHAS,. XIII. Bough I fpeak with the tongues of 'men and of an- 26. As all the Body condolethor rejoyceth gels, and have not charity, I am be- with the pain or welfare of every Member, e- tonne as founding brain or a tink- fen the weakeft; fo is it with the Living . hïembers ofCiirift. ling cymbal. ?NN te. There ore they arehut Hypocrites, like I. Left you fhould too much traft to any SS ooden Legs, that no fach fenfè, and of tittle foremeutioned Gifts, which Chrilt tialytercus Enemies of C:viff, that hare, at ti giveth to (hone that perifh, you nmft know reproach, and deftroy his true Member,. that the true Divine Nature, proper to Saillie, New conlifteth in Charity, which is the redomi- 1y. ivc ye are the body of Chrüt, . ( 1- . and members in particular. Haut Love of God, andof Saints as.Samts, and l Men as Men, as God is in them, and roved 27, This muff it he with you, that are the by them). And if I be without ths; could I fever.:l Mc others cf Chrifïs Chub h. preach, difecurfe; and i:ray inbetter Language, and Oratory than any Mortal Man, -even as 28. And Godbath f t (time in the well as Angels, what were this Voice to God, church, fir ft apof ies, fecondarllypro- that is a Spirit, and looketh to the Heart, but .(,hers, thirdly teachers, after that even as the tinkling of a Mulical Wirtz- miracles, then gifts ofhealing, h=ips, merit .governments, dit'eriities of tongues. 2. And though I have the gift z$. And God hath let in his Church Diver- of prophecy, ,arid uttclerftand"ail my- fit}, and Delparity, both in qualjfying Gifts ftertes, an I all knowledge; and and Oboes: As, is the firfl place, ace Apo- though I hale all faith, fo that I Rtes, frill immediately Chrift, to be the could. remove mountains, and have snick' Wiruefles and Recorders of his Works and Werds. Next them, S'ropiton, imnedi- no Charity, I am nothing. , ately iva(pirect ro reveal his Will: And next 2 And though I could fpeak by Infp`ra- then}, fettled Teachers of his Recorded Word : tioti (as E1.n aco, did) of things prefent or things And then, workers ofMiracles, for convincing to come, and could ucdedtand all the deep Inndel.s, a ;d confirming Believers: Then ex- and difficult Points in God's Word and Works, traordinary Gifts of Healing; and eminent and were the cool§ excellent Philofopher, and Helpers or the Churches by Charity and (peci- could truly open all the Principles and Coax of oat e, efpecially for Minifters and the Pooe ; pofrtions in Nature; and though I could he- "n" Governments, to arbitrate Differ,ti_cs, and lieve even to the Production of the moft keep mi- Order,' and -Languages, to fprcad and racolons EffeA , and }et have not this predo- confirm the Word. mi;:ant Love of God, and of Saints, and of 2Ç Are all apoiiles ? are all pro- ,Men, as to God's Accu ptance, and my own ltet3? are all teachers? are ail work- Saltation, I amasa n,cr Wing: bone or tiacfè Shadov, s usül do taty vtiork. 3. And