Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 13. bf Charity. I. Corinthians. Of Charity. Ch. 13. 3. And though I beftow all my and ground of hope : It endureth hurt and goods to feed the poor, and thoughI give my body tohe burned, and have not charity,it profiteth menothin ;. 3. And though I give all that I have ìo the Poor, either to be weil fpoketi of, or through fear of Hell, or a conceit of obliging Gödby Merit, or out of nicer natural Pity, or any o- ther Caufe, which includednot Love, it will not profit me to Salvation. Yea, if for rhefe lower Ends should for lake Lif. 2 it felf,withour the predominant Love of Gad and Man, it would be as nothing to me. 4e Charity fuffereth long, dad is kind; charity envieth not ; charity vaunteth not it felt, is not puffed up. .4.. Love is kind, inclining todo good, and is patient., arcd can bear much wrongfrom others, (as Setfiove rnaketh us hear much more for ourfelves.) Love envieth not the Reputation; Applaufè, Precedency, orProfit of others. Lore loth not vaunt and lift up a Man's felt in his own cavern, or defile to be lifted upby o thers, above our Worth and Place, but in Ho- nour preferreth others. Do:h not behave it f ifunfem° feeketh not her own, is not ea- lily prove ked, thirketh no evil. 5. Love drab not break out into injurious Reflelious, or Pallion;, o: uncomely Deport- ment towards others : It is nor feltiih, and feeketlutor our own inordinatly, to the iuju- ry,seglet, or greater hurt of others: Is not provoked taany uncharitable thought, word or deed, by final' Injuries or Occafions, but bea eria, foröeareth, and forgiver ; and do_h not think evil Of any grocmdlefy, or till con- ftrained; nor de;îgn evil or hart againft any unoe,eilàrily or uojuftly. 6. Rejoyceth riot in iniquity, but rejoyceth in the Truth : 6. it cloth not rejoyce in the Sins that o- thers commit, nor in the Wrongs they under- go, nor tlreml Ives to dounjullly againft any, or to be profperous therein r gsìnft them. 7; ileareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 7. It doth by others as we £ei we do by Mar £elves . that is, itbearet with the Faults of Men Co far as is not a :aloft their own or o- thers goo Itis incli.,c1 to believe aloelacht daft Men till Evidenceconfirain us to kno w thescorft, (not negletmgrùchcautelousfùfpi- .ion, as may tree us from ra01 and foolili Trull) It fti,l ltopeth yell of o,.rns,, as far as there is wrong from others, when it is for their own or others greater good. g. Charity never faileth ; but whether there be prophecies, theyfhall fail ; whether ihere be tongues, they fhall ceafe; whether there be know- ledge, it fhail vanifh away. 8. Holy Love is an evcrlafting Quality and Employment, and 11a11 not ceafe, but be per felled at Death, and in Heaven : hut Prophe- fying, fangurges, Sciences, and all the artifi= chal and impeded fort of 'Knowledge which now wehave, leall ceafe, as ufclefs there. 9. For we know in part, and we pri.pheiie in part. ró. But when that which is perfeb is come, then that which is in part fhali be donea- way. q, to. For here the manner of our know- ing in the Body is imperfeft, and the meafureis all inadequate : we know nothingwholly, brat forcepart of things : and fo we fpeak, even in l'rophcfying and Preaching : But Pefeftion will end all thisImperfelion . x I. When I was a child, I fpake as á child, I underflood as a child, i thought as a child : but when I be- came a man, I put away childifh things. t S. As Manhood, and increafe of Wit and Experience, change the Childish Speech, lir.- deittanding, and Thoughts, into that which is vue and more penfetl ; fo much more will the Life to come do. t2. For now we fee through a Oafsdarkly ; but then face to face r nor' I know in part ; but then fhaIl I know even as alto I am known. to. For Our Knowledge now in this Fo.y and World, is by imperf tt Medea, "es we fce things in a Glafs ; and know by Riddles, Pá- rabiies, orSimilitudes, a fuperfcial Gli,npfe: But then we 1táll know as Men chat fee eacli, Others Fares, by intuition. Now we know but little Parrs, andOut-fides, and Accidente öf thinvc, and nothing adequately but then: weMall know in the World of Spurns, as thofn Spirits 'now know us ; which it better thanwe know our Elves. 13. And now ab detli, faith, hope, charity, theft three ; but the greateft of chef- is charity. I 3. I conclude therefore, That thoughnow. our State OfGrace coulait eft' Faith, .Hope ant 'J d r % ^°,