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Ch. r4.. Of Praying in L Corinthians. an unknown tongue.Ch 14: shough he fpeak never fo high and excellent 7. Even the found of !del&things, as Mufs- Myfteries, no Man that knoweth not that calInfruments, being ufed for Tome fignificati- -Language undedlandeth him. on, are ufelefs, if by difin&ion their figni6ca- 3. But he that prophefieth, fpea- Zion be not perceptible. eth untomento edification, and ex- 8. For if the trumpet give an un4 hortation and comfort. certain found, who{hall preparehim- e. 3 Bur he that intelligibly applieth God's feif to the battel ? Word to the Hearers, fpeaketh fo as condu- 8. You may learn thisofSoldiers, how vain each to their Edification, andExhortation, and the 4nintelligible Sound of the TrumpetB. Comfort, which are the Ends of your Affem- y, So likewife you, except ye Ut- bl`e. ter by the tongue words eafie to be 4. He that fpeaketh in an unknown underftood, how {hall it be known . tongue, edifieth himfelf : but he that what is fpoken? for ye {hall fpeak into prophefieth, edifieth the church. the air. 4. It is fuppofed, thathe that fpeaketh in a y; So if you fpeak not intelligibly to the Lauguageurtknown to the People undedtan Hearers, what the better are they ? You do Beth it himfelf, and fomay be edifiedhimfelf : but fpeak into theAir. (For the Spirit of God did not moae men to fpeak like Parrots, they knew not what) But so. There are, it may be, foma- he that by God's Spirit inftrulteth and exhor- ny kinds of voices in the world, and tech others, edifieth the Church; for which none of them is without fignification. Endyou weer, to. Even the Voices ofBirds and Scaf; have q. I would that ye all fpeak with their ufefulfrgnificaucy to Man, and to one a- tongues,but rather that ye prophefi- nocher: much more ofMen ed, for greater is he that prophefi- 1 I. Therefore if I know not the eth, then he that fpeaketh with meaning of the voice I thall be unto tongues, except he interpret, that him that fpeaketh, a barbarian; and the churchmay receiveedifying. he that fpeaketh_that be a barbarian s. I would you had all fuch knowledge of untome. Languages asis ufeful to propagate the Gofpel : I t. Therefore what I underhand nor, is of But I more with, as Mofes, that all the Lord's no more ufe to me, than c e6 Barbarian ofano- Peoplewere Prophets, that is, infpired to fpeak Cher Language. wifely and zealoufly theWill of God to Men. For he is the Greateft in the Lhurch, who is 12. Even fo ye, foras much as ye molt Edifying; and that is be that prophefieth, are zealousof fpiritualgifis,feek that more than he that fpeaketh ftrange Language, ye may excel to the edifying of the uniefs he interpret it to the Churches Edifica- tion. Li s2: Thereforeas h muc defrre y Spirited 6. Now brethren, if I come unto Gifts, prefer thofe that molt edifie and feels, you fpeaking with tongues, what thounot for vain glory. {hall I Profit you, except I shall fpeak 13. Wherefore let him that fpea- to you either by Revelation, or by keth in an unknown tongue, pray that knowledge, or by prophefyiiig, or by hemay interpret. doctrine ? as. Let him that hath the Gifts of Langaa- 6. What the better will you be for fpeaking geS pray fortheGift of esli?yinglnterpretation; Languages to you except I either reveal toyou fornething immediately from God, or open to 14, For if I pray in an unknown you fome Truths which you knew not before, tongue, my fpirìt prayeth, but my or fromGod urgeyou to tomeneedful Duty, or underftanding is unfruitful. DoStrinally expound to you the Matters of 14. If I pray in an unknown Tongue, mÿ Faith and Obedienceraordedin the Gofpel. Spirit prayeth, but others underhand me nor. 7. And even things without life and cannot profitablyjoynwithme. giving found, whether pipe or harp, 15. What is it then ? I will pray except they give a diftinaion in the with thefpirit, and I will pray with founds, how !hall it be known what the underftanding alfo: I will fin; ispiped or harped ? D d , with