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Ch. Io. Preachers Pent. St. Matthew. Their reception. Ch. lo. 8. Heal thelick, cleanfe the lepers, mile the dead, call out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. 8. I give you power to heal, dre. Doing good is your work : Do it freely, as freely I. give it you. 9. Provide neither gold, nor (liver, nor brafs in your purfes : so. Nor fcrip`for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet '(laves : (for the workman is .worthy of his meat.) 9. You go not on your own work but mine: Provide neither Money nor Vi&ualsfor your Journey, nor cloathing'as for longtime tocome, nor a defenfive Weapon nor Staff: But look for your maintenance for your work. r r. And into whatfoever city or town ye (hall enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and there abide till ye go thence. 1 z. And whenye come into a houle falute it. 73. And if the houle be worthy, let your peace come upon it : but if it be not wor- thy, let your peace return to you. tt, &c. Enquire who is a godly Pelican, willingeft to entertain the Gofpel : And when you come to any houle fay, Peace be to this hook; that is, God's biding be here. Andif the Perlons be godly, and truly qualified for his blefing, itlhallcome upon them, elfe nor, but you (hall be clear. Note, t. There is a worthi- nefs confiftent with free Grace. z. And a worthinef before their receivingoftheGofpel, This had two degrees, t. The higheft degree was true faith and godlinefs fuited to that knowledge that the faithful had beforeChrift's Incarnation: who were in a Sate of Salvation, but yet had not the knowledge of the Gofpel, (fully fo called) and that Jefas was the ChriS. Such was Zachary, and Eiizabethsand Nathanael, and the Centurion, .Adis s o, &c. z. And thole that had but preparatory Grace, or a teachable, traerable, willing difpofrtion, were more wor- thy, (or lets unworthy) than the refraetòry. z. Minifters being not hrart-fearchers, muS pronounce God's Bleffing on Men, on uncer- tainties and meer probability of the event : 3, This benediction bath ever a condition im- plyed, if the I'erfon be worthy or capable of it. 4. If that Perton be unworthy and unbleft, the Mirifter is blamelefs, if he went according to probable profeffion: The fault was his own. S. No Minifterial Bleffing, ( Baptizing, the Lord's-Supper, Abfolution, &c.) will fave an unworthy Perton, that is, one not qualified for Salvation according to God's promife. Li- And whófoever (hall clot re- ceive . you, nor hear your words : when ye depart out of that houle, or city, (hake off the dull of your feet. re.. And facing you come not for any gain of your own, but to bring them the joyful ti- dingsof Salvation, fo heinous is the fin of un- thankful el-wank re£uf1, that you Mall !hake tiff the daft of, your feet, as fignifying the labour you ufed in vain for their Salvation, as a witnefs again/ them in time to come. is. Verily I fay unto you, It(hall be more tolerable for the land of So- dom and Gomorrha in, the day of judgment, then for that city. t S . Note, t. There are different degrees of Punifhment hereafter : Come are more tolera- ble than others. z. Sodom's punishment (hall be lays than the refuters ofthe Gofpel, becaufe they finned againft lets means, light and mer- cies. Falle ChriSians then will have a heavy doom. 16. Behold, I fend you forth as sheep in themilt ofwolves : be ye therefore wife as ferpents,and harm. lefs as doves. x e. It is not a life ofcafe and worldly pre-' ferment, or mamplealing that I fend you on ; but as Sheep in the midit of many Wolves. Such enmity againft the Gofpel and Godlinels is in the corrupt nature and intereft of Man, and fpccially of the obdurate, that inftead of thankful entertaining you and your Meffage. they will tear and devour you, if God do not reftrain them. Therefore be wife to carry your lelvea inoffenlively and cauteloufly, pre. revving your (elves by lawful means ; but be ye harmlefs and innocent that they may have no ¡aft accufation againft you ; andufe no un- lawful means: Sheep and Doves are no good fighters again/ Wolves and Hawks. 17. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will fcourge you in their fynagogues. x8. And ye (hall be brought before governors and kings for my fake, for a teflimony againft them and the gentiles. t7, t e. But keep out of their hands (as I do) by juft means : For the Jews will deliver you up to their Councils of Priefts and. Elders, and they will /courge you as Malefa &ors in their Synagogues; and ifthey can make your Crimes feem Capital, they will deliver you up to the Roman Power; that both Jeers and Gentiles, while you are accufed, may hear from you what the Gofpel is, andbe unexcufablein their fin, 19. But