Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. i ç. Ofraying irt I. Corinthians. an un.knomri tondue. Ch 1 g.: with the fpirit, and I will fing with theunderfianding allo. Is. Therefore when I pray or fing by the Cj.ft of unknown Tongues, I will aiíò pray 'and fingintelligibly, for edification. 16. Elf when thou (halt biefs with thefpirit, how fhall he that occupieth the room of theunlearned, "fay Amen at thy giving of thanks, Peeing he inderi"tandetls not what thou. fayeft ? 16. Ifothers join not with thee, it is hut a private Exercife, and not a Church exercife : And how (hall the Vulgar join by content, and jay, .Amen, to .what they do not underf und? 17. For thou verily giveft thanks 23. Surely you íhould not meet or worfhip well, but the other is not edified. God f-andaloiifly, like mad Men But if the 17. Thy Thanlcfrivïngis a good Work ; whole Church do meet in one piace, (atChurch. u t what is another, or the Church the wift esthendid) and all fpeak in unknownTongues, for ir ? theUnlearned and Unbelievers will take you 13. I thankmy God I fpeak with all for mad Phanaticks. tongues mote thenyou all : 24. But if all prophefie, and there s $. I thank God he hash given the Gift of come in one that believeth not, or more Languages to me, than to any of you. one unlearned, he is convinced of all, 1o. Yet in the church I had rather he is judged ofall fpeak five words with my underfan- 24. But ifall that fpeak ,do by God's Spirit ding, that by ray voice I might teach úfe convincing Evidence in Explication and others allo, then ten thoufand words Ápplication, they all convince him and Stew him his Condition. in anunknown tongue. 2 . And thus are the lecretsof his 19. Yet in the tVotthipping 'Afrembly, $ (which is the Church) I prefer a few"inteaigi. heart made manifi: i and to falling ble Words,which may teach others, before all down on his face, he will tvorÉnip God, that can be Paid for oftentation, and are unin- and report that God is i 1 you of a teliigihle. truth. 20. Brethren, be not children in 25. And this Iharching convincing light will underfranding: howbeit, in malicebe make them joyawith you in the reverent war- }re children, but in understanding be Ship ofGod, andmake them report that God is men. in your Church, as a holy Aflémbly. no. Be not like Children, that love unedify- 26. How is it then, brethren rt,çGingles; but lodrare them in latm.clncfs.: when yecorne to,ether, ever.' ()he"of b5t an Men,. value and ufe that which increa- Ou Lath a plains, bath do l9ne, ferh Wtf lom,and Underftanding. 21. In the law it is written, With hate a tongue, Lath a revelation, n of other tongues and other lips, bath an tr r t' thou. Lt a'.I thin s Will t be don to edifying. wli I fpeak unto this people : and 26. Therefore let all your Gifts, whether of yet for all that wiii they not hear n:e, Pfalmody, or Dò9rine, or Languages, or Re- faidl the Lord. vlation, or Interprtation, be ufed to Eciï.iica- 2r.It is fpoken in Ifaiah 14. s'. by God, rims, which is the true End of Church-Afièm- That with Men of, h-r. to Phew their hard- blues: And the End is your bireaory, in tote lfeartednefs,'that would neither hear their ufe()fall undetermined Accidentsof the nieans. Own Prophets, norStrangers faut to them by , íherrovidenceofGod. 27. 1f any man fpeak in an un . fora knowí1 tongue, let it be by two, or 22. Wherefore tongues are at the molt by three, and that by fagn, not to them that believe, bit to cootle : and let one interpret. thein that believe not, but prophèl;l ing Jervethnot for thon that believe not, but for them which believe. 22. So that the miraculous Gift of Langua- ges is to convince Unbelievers, of that which the Church believeth already: But Propheti- cal opening the Do:2rine of Chrill, for further edification, is appointed for them that are al- ready Believers. 23. If therefore the whole church he come together into one place, and all (peak with tongues, and there come in thole that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not lay that ye are mad ? 27. If