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Ch. 14. OfProphefying I. Corinthians. Of Propheticg. Ch. rq.. 27. Ifyo.iwill nib your Gift of Languages, ted unto them to (peak ; but they as letir bedone by no more than two or three, commanded tobe under obedience, are one after another; and let f me interpret it to alto faith the law. the unlearned in the Chu:e3 34. And it is one of the Miles of Order, 2S. But if there be no interpreter, That Women be no Publick Teachers or Spea- let him keep filence in the church ; keys in the Church : God permitteth it not, and let hiìrr fpeak to himfelf, and to whobath commanded theirs Subjeaign by the God. Law. 28. That which only God and your felves 35. And if they will learn any underftand, let none but God and yourfelves thing, let them ask their husbands at hear; and flunk not that in the Church which home i for it is a Ihzlme for women they cannotutderftand. to fpeak in tl:e church. 29. Let the Prophets fpeak twoor 3S, Na but that they Should learn ; but it three, and let the other judge. mutt be with Modefty, asking their Husbands, 29. And the Prophets ahbmuh do ailto E- If they have fuch as are able to teach them (as ditication, and therefore ntait fpeak no möre they ought, elf they have ocher private Helps.) than may edifie the Church, which is but two It's aShame to the Church and her, foraWoman or three at an Alterably, the reftjudging. there to fpeak (except in common tinging o. Ifan thin be revealed to ano- Plaints, or other commonAcis.) ther that fttethby let the firft hold 35 What ? came the word ofGod his peace. ' out from you ? or came i_ un o you 3o. IfGod immediately iufpireanother then only ? to (peak, let the heft give way to him by fi 36. T ask them that contrarli& this ; Did fence. God's word come out frontyou, or from intruf *.- ed Apoftles? Or did it come toyou only, the; 31. For ye may all prophefie one youcontradit the Chinches? by one, that. all may learn, and all 37. If any man think himfelf to be may be comforted. 3r. For all that are Prophets, or are then a prophet, or fpiritnal, let him ac- prophecically inipired, may prophefie in order, knowledge that the things that í tnatall in the Church may learn and be ex- write unto you, are the command hoi tnd, and comforted. ments of the Lord. 3S. But if any 32. And the fpirits of the pro- manbe ignorant, let himhe ignorant. phets are fubeCI to the prophets. 37, 38. If any be indeed aProphe t fpircd, and nobpretendedly only, he 32. And God, and Men may pretend to at in- fees, that there Canons or Decifions are` {'s fpircd of o tlb ( to feir o jut} x that own Commandments, and not My Device.''Gut time, when it is not lb their own Under- if Men will be obflinate in their Ignorance,lac Order, the Prophets the are Hearers, them look to it. Order, the S that are Wherefore, brethren, covet to vino SpiritofGod, are FcJudgeswhetherie 34 be that Spirit,oraDelu(on and Paflionoftheir prophefie, and forbid not to (peak own, that Order may be kept in the Aliens' with tongueS blies, at lean as to the time. 39. Prophefe for the Churches Edifying i9 of to be coveted, and Languages there u 'r-tor- 33. For God is not the autkour 1 bidden, . c confufion, but of peace, as in all 40. Let all t bo done decent- churches of the faints. 1 r and all hings hi 33. For pretended Irffirations and Man- ) 4® That Sacred things heall done decently, darns are not to all believed againft which God's coin a and not with uncomely negligence ; anti or- nirg Law to the Churches, have a derly, and not in coufufiou, or as every Man's 'furcr notification thaü a tingle Man can give : Fancy. leads him', this is a General Law of Bur God's common Law is a therefore Core God,yaccordingto which, undetermined Modes and for Peaceand Order anal rein n i- and Circumftancea mutt be regulated and done, certain, dYet Confuiìon is not of Divine Infpi- ratiost. 34. Let your women keep filence . in the chúrches : for it is not permit. D q. A N7